(Newswire.net — October 21, 2013) Boston, MA — Gestational diabetes is a dangerous condition which triggers high blood sugar which can influence pregnancy and the baby’s health. This disorder develops in about 4% of all pregnancies, and is a frightening condition because it could cause miscarriages, birth defects, and results in increased risk of diabetes in both the mother and infant. While many health professionals don’t know exactly what causes gestational diabetes, expectant moms may prevent gestational diabetes by eating healthy and balanced meals, exercising regularly, and most importantly, controlling blood sugar levels.
Gestational diabetes could lead to Type II Diabetes later on in life if certain changes are not made during pregnancy and after the child’s birth. Having a healthy diet plan while nursing is also very important factor to consider after pregnancy. Exercise as recommended by the doctor will not only burn extra calories and fat, it will tighten the skin, and more importantly it will keep blood glucose levels regular and consistent because high blood sugar levels can be dangerous.
To decrease blood pressure a pregnant woman may consume a diet rich in potassium. Studies have actually shown that consuming potassium on a regular basis may help to substantially lower blood pressure. Calcium is also an important nutrient both during and after pregnancy. Some examples of foods rich in calcium are lima beans, potatoes, and green spinach. Fortified orange juice is another source but it is important not to substitue water with juice throughout the day.
The most important thing to prevent gestational diabetes is to control blood sugar levels. Sometimes medication can be helpful in maintaining desirable blood sugars if necessary. Keeping your diabetes under control is the most important thing that can be done for a new baby on the way.
There are supplements that have ingredients that may help to manage blood glucose levels by: mimicking the actions of insulin directly, increasing glucose metabolism in liver and muscle cells, Increasing insulin response to blood sugar, increasing expression of insulin receptors, and decreasing fasting blood sugar levels. These are all beneficial when combined with diet and exercise to prevent gestational diabetes.
About: Health Nutrition News was launched in September 2013 as a way to relay the importance of health, nutrition, and fitness to its readers. Using relevant and upcoming wellness trends this website provides important news to guide its readers toward making healthier lifestyle choices.