Six Surprising Simple Sleep Solutions

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( — July 12, 2013) Portland, OR — Good quality sleep and a good quality life are highly linked. Stress limits a person’s ability to get good-quality rest leading to detrimental effects on a person’s well-being.

Here are six simple things to counter insomnia.

1. Limit caffeine and alcohol – Not to be a buzz kill but these two substances, which are staples in much of our social life, can compromise your ability to sleep. Alcohol can be a cause of aches and cramping inhibiting your abilitiy to sleep. Caffeine can sometimes make it harder for you to fall and stay asleep.

2. Eat relaxing foods – There are many foods which have a sedative effect, especially in the hours before bedtime. Milk and honey are known to have a sedative effect which helps you fall asleep much easier.

3. Eat light during the night – Eating a heavy meal can make it difficult for you to sleep for many reasons. Your digestive system needs to work overtime to process that meal which provides your body with energy which is something you don’t need when trying to sleep. Eat light, and no snacking before bed, and you should sleep better.

4. Have a routine – Our individidual circadian rhythm should not be ignored. Humans are creatures of rhythm. Establish a pattern in life. That rhythm helps many physiological functions normalize which includes our sleep patterns. A consistent sleep rhythm, you can eliminate insomnia.

5. Have a bedtime ritual – Similarly, make a habit that reinforces the thought that it’s time to sleep. You know like reading bedtime stories for children. Reading and bathing are two of the most popular pre-sleep rituals. Find something that is relaxing for you.

6. Eliminate stress – Stress can make it hard for you to sleep well. Keep stress areas like anger to a minimum. Not only does it help you sleep properly, but it helps you keep your sanity intact too.

These things can not only improve your sleep but have a significant impact on your outlook on life. Items such as a proper diet and a consistent schedule can result in signicant stress reduction. Being able to handle life’s many curve balls is a blessing in disguise.


Author: Google+ Jan Johansen