Sleep Experts Stress Adequate Slumber Is the Best Medicine

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( — August 10, 2020) Winnetka, IL — Multiple research studies have highlighted the relevance of sleep, and how its inadequacy could result in various undesirable health consequences.

Sleep experts stress that getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night is vital for good health.

For many people, inadequate sleep is troublesome due to the fact that they get tired and cranky all day. However, it is also worth mentioning that not sleeping enough does more damage than these inconveniences. 

Experts warn inadequate sleep leads to increased stress, reduced creativity and accuracy, tremors, as well as memory lapses. 

According to Dr. Amit Narula, it also puts you at risk for symptoms similar to those of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as a rapid heart rate and increased risk of heart disease or stroke. It can even play havoc with your immune system. 

Dr. Narula is medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Carroll Hospital, in Westminster, Md.

“It’s easier to get an infection and it could be harder or take longer to get rid of an infection,” Narula added.

There are various ways to reduce the risk of diseases associated with inadequate sleep. One is to avoid nicotine and alcohol as well as drinks and food near bedtime. It may also be useful to make the bedroom conducive for sleeping.

Taking these measures could be extremely beneficial for various aspects of health. When people are able to sleep well regularly, the odds of diseases may be decreased.

Scientists have been investigating on the best possible ways to help people achieve better sleep. It is worth mentioning that in some studies, certain natural remedies could work as sleep aids. 

One is ashwagandha that has adaptogenic, antidepressant, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-angiogenic, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, hypocholesteremic, and anti-malarial potentials.

All of these ingredients have been studied by researchers and have been found to produce a myriad of health effects. It is important to realize that these healing agents may aid in combat a range of diseases.

This Ayurvedic herb has demonstrated its ability to help the body deal with stress. It is worth mentioning that this natural remedy could work in fighting fatigue as well as in boosting energy levels.

It could be a great addition to the diet of individuals who want to improve their protection against stress and a range of diseases.

To benefit from its use, it is wise to consider the use of formulas like NutraHerbals Ashwagandha (

About NutraHerbals

NutraHerbals was established in the year 2016 as one of the leading suppliers in the market. It caters to the various Herbal Ayurvedic products as per needs of the clients. In the world which is being taking over by chemical products which harm the skin, body, and health in general, our products are made using the most natural products available. Our company aims at endorsing the Go Green concept and also caters to the medicinal, nutritional, and healthcare product needs of a vast majority of clients across the globe.


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