(Newswire.net — January 22, 2013) Spokane, WA
Structural Innovations Mobile App – January 22, 2013 – Available today, the mobile app for Structural Innovations offers easy appointment functionality for your mobile devices; you can read the therapists bio on therapist tab. the mobile app offers informative videos and great customer interaction with Messages, coupons, Newsletter and social media. Cassandra says one main benefit with Structural Innovations mobile app is communication from owner Kevin Lucas and his staff who add valuable health information on the mobile app. In addition to this valuable information, their mobile app users will have access to valuable session discounts with a loyalty program plus set your appointment through the mobile app.
Structural Innovations is available to iPhone, Android phone and tablet users. New customers can receive a Free Consultation with one of their therapists by using the mobile app.
In addition the home screen enables a customer one touch ability to call Structural Innovations business office, get directions from your location to their Spokane Valley business or share the app with a friend viva Facebook or Tweeter. Receive updates for classes held at the facility. (Zumba, Yoga and Foam Roller classes) Thanks to the « Around Us » tab, the user can also locate surrounding businesses in our community. « Since they launched the Structural Innovations app Cassandra has been looking for other local Spokane Valley business who would like to be listed in their Around Us Tab on the mobile app. If this interests your business down load their mobile app and contact them through the mobile app.
Cassandra Lucas indicated excitement about completing an update to their website www.structuralinnovations.us. Cassandra said after we completed that project we looked toward new technology to enhance customer interaction. We discovered mobile app technology enables us to interact with customers instantly with a push notification. Smart phone mobile app has the ability to offer multiple loyalty programs to keep the customer notified of special offers and interested in returning to our business.
Cassandra, in charge of Marketing and Communication for Structural Innovations.
The Structural Innovations mobile app was developed by Synergy Interactive App Development, a mobile app development and marketing company founded in 2012.
If you would like further information on Structural Innovations, or you would like to schedule an interview, please contact : Cassandra Lucas
Cassandra Lucas, Marketing & Communication, Structural Innovations
Phone : (509) 891-2368
Email : mail@structuralinnovations.us