(Newswire.net — March 8, 2015) — This is a new world where with social media broadcasting you can reach large audiences. There was a time when news was communicated via newspapers or television new shows. The news was screened and processed through teams of people to determine what readers of papers would want to know and watchers of TV new would be interested in seeing. A new day is here and anyone with a passion or tech idea is able to communicate passions and ideas to a vast audience. They can do it through Thunderclap Social Media Broadcasting Tools.
You can think back to the turn of the century when printed notices could reach hundreds of people with shared social concerns and calls to action. Then in the 1960’s, the photocopy machine meant that notices could be created and distributed overnight to thousands of people with compelling information and shared social concerns. Another major social media disruption was the fax machine which made it possible to reach people far and wide, across the country and across the world.
Thunderclap is the new social media broadcasting platform that dramatically disrupts all forms of communication and has a far reaching impact. Thunder clap is a site that lets you share via Facebook and other media your great idea and proposed projects on Facebook and the internet. It takes your content and passion and quickly and widely puts it out there for the entire internet universe to see. The result is that your idea or cloud funding project immediately goes viral through the powerful tools of Thunderclap. Thunderclap is the newest and greatest common pathway to get your ideas to millions of people.
Thunderclap is both intensely personal and broadly political. You can use Thunderclap to advocate for medical treatment for your sick child or aging grandmother. You can also speak out and be heard about issues that concern you like healthcare, gender equality, equal pay for women, opposition to barbaric treatment of minorities, slavery, and any other situation of social harm and inequity. You will have access to fund raising for a new tech idea.
Until Thunderclap, you had to either work posting your great idea n multiple media sites to get your concerns out there or you had to go local grass roots building support for your cause. Thunderclap makes all that tedious leg work and posting obsolete. One site, Thunderclap, lets you one stop shop to get your concept, funding plan or political concerns out to an audience of millions or billions of people. Thunderclap harnesses effective technology tools for dissemination information to a vast audience via Facebook and the internet.
Thunderclap is the future. Thunderclap is an easily accessible system that lets you and anyone else act globally or locally. It disrupts and makes obsolete the existing media and political systems that often stifle minority or dissenting opinions. It opens opportunities to advance your new concepts and technologies. It provides the ultimate in freedom of expression. You can share an idea with the entire world through one portal.
Thunderclap and its social media broadcasting tool also permits you to network with other people and build coalitions with others. You may not and probably are not the only people interested in and active on the problem that you are concerned about. When you use networking, you lose the isolation of feeling you are the only person concerned about this issue and connect to similar and sympathetic people who hold similar views to yours. Together you gain strength and support. Through Thunderclap you can connect to others and together change our world.