(Newswire.net – July 24, 2013) Chicago, IL – We are now in a time when anyone can create videos posted to YouTube and those videos can be seen worldwide across all devices including computers, TV, phones and tablets. Mobile devices are becoming more and more powerful. Mobile device usage for marketing promoting and all types of use is exceeding that of laptops and other computers.
Google is by far and away the dominant presence on the Internet. There’s Google search Google owns YouTube Google owns android and Google has bought Motorola. Google is extremely powerful but what stands in the way of most people being able to take full advantage of what Google has to offer is not cost but knowing how to use Google tools. Me there are many ways that a person can learn. YouTube has many educational videos about all the different parts of Google and Google itself provides lots of videos and instructions. The problem for most people is that there is no systemize way to get a handle on what Google is doing or in order to so the courses involved are extremely expensive. This can create a financial barrier to those that really could benefit a great deal by what Google has.
Chicago is a city of neighborhoods and communities. Use of Google as a community could become an extremely important factor in social change, political change and economic development. There is an amazing opportunity at this time that has never existed in the past. In the past there was always needed a substantial amount of money to take a business help it grow make it expand. Monies would be needed to invest in a brick-and-mortar facility advertising whether by a newspaper or magazine or other print would be very, very expensive. Now with Google those that want to do the work and know how can create at very little cost. What stands between them and accomplishing this is knowing how to do it.
In South Chicago an innovative approach to this is being developed. Classes are being formed so that anyone will be able to learn how to use these tools. This year a company called Hubity has developed online courses that are extremely affordable. Online courses however are not enough but they can be the course material. The innovative approach is to have extremely affordable course material so that courses could be offered to people at prices anyone could do. An element that will also come into this course is developing an and collaborative environment within the courses and within the community such that not only are Google tools being used effectively but by community collaboration the effectiveness of their online campaigns can be greatly enhanced.
Yvonne Spear and Mark Allen are the leaders in bringing this to the South Chicago community. They will begin offering these classes at Yvonne’s facility in South Chicago starting in September 2013. Because the classes will be so relevant, important, collaborative and priced so anyone can afford to cal they are filling up quickly. The vision is to bring to South Chicago into the forefront of our new age where no one and no business needs to be left out of the economy. South Chicago is to become a leader in this area by having a vision and taking action on it today. The Hubity online courses are available to anyone worldwide and we encourage people everywhere to get the courses and setup programs similar to this in your communities. Each student would have the online courses and in the communities classes could be taught using the courses at pricing that anyone can afford.
Yvonne Spear
Ph: 773-895-3221
Email: yvonne_spear@yahoo.com