( –July 25, 2013) Tampa. FL—There are definitely things that one can do to repair your own speakers without incurring large shipping charges if willing to do some work. Prior to reconing a speaker requires a bit of care and attention in order to properly prepare it. The cone of the speaker is as it sounds, is the cone portion of the speaker itself.
Cathy Satin, one of the founding owners of The Speaker Exchange, facilitates the repair operations for speaker repair worldwide. Their clientele range from households to large mega stadium facilities and large stage venues that all use speakers and sound systems. Their clientele also covers the gamut as far as requiring full service speaker handling to parts and specific pieces that people can repair on their own.
Satin most recently provided a tutorial on the process of cleaning a speaker as it is being prepared for reconing. This makes their clientele more efficient and saves them some money along the way as well. Here are some pointers she shares:
- The outside edge of a speaker cone needs to be cut with a utility knife. The material can be a “foam surround “or “accordion edge” with rubber, or just paper. The process is essentially the same.
- Folding back the cone then allows access to the “tinsel” or “pigtail” leads which then need to be cut.
- Then the “spider” needs to be cut which is the cloth beneath the cone itself. Preferable, the cut should take place all around in a full circle. (As this is being done, the cone should be bent so that it is out of the way.
- Now the entire cone assembly can be removed.
- The “voice coil gap” should be covered immediately t avoid any debris, dust, or magnetic filings from entering this sensitive gap, which can interfere with the voice coil movement.
- The “gasket” or the frame around where the cone attaches can now be cleaned. In order to do this, the “gasket bond” can be broken by cutting around the perimeter with a knife. By getting under the cone edge and the gasket, the knife can go all around. (The knife blade should always be pointed away from your hands.)
- The gasket is now removed and should be set aside. There are some cases where you might need to reuse it.
- Foam or cone materials will be cleaned from the gasket.
- The speaker frame should now be scraped from any cone debris or glue.
- This procedure should also be applied to the spider.
- The Speaker Exchange never uses any solvents or thinner to remove the glue or in cleaning the speaker. They only employ the use of the blade to scrape the old parts off.
- Now the pigtail leads need to be de-soldered off of the speaker terminal then wipe off any debris or old pieces of glue or cone material.
- Speaker is now ready to be coned.
For more information regarding repairing speakers and how to ship them to get fixed, contact The Speaker Exchange
8217 N Nebraska Ave Tampa, FL 33604 (813) 237-4800
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