Sunshine City Counseling in Florida has online counseling for couples. Online couples counseling is provided by licensed social worker Amy Fort.
Sunshine City Counseling, a Florida-based company that provides counseling services, offers Online couples counseling in St. Petersburg, FL.
More information on couples counseling can be found by visiting
Amy Fort is Sunshine City Counseling’s Couples Counselor who is a licensed clinical social worker, passionate about finding ways for people to improve their emotional wellbeing and relationships with others.
More information on Amy can be found by visiting
Couples counseling in St. Pete allows couples to begin to heal their relationships through online counseling and relationship counseling. It provides an accessible and convenient option for couples who do not want to or can not have counseling in person.
Online Couples Counseling is for both married and unmarried couples who want to improve their relationships, and caters to couples who often argue about the same topics, feel criticized more than they feel praised, and do not make quality time together a priority.
Couples will learn insightful tools throughout their time in couples counseling. These tools will teach them effective ways to communicate, interact, and listen to meet one another emotionally.
The counseling will focus on the couple and what they can do to ensure both partners have their needs met, rather than trying to fix one person. Couples will also learn to identify what role they play in keeping conflicts alive.
The purpose begind online couples counseling is to ensure that both individuals in the couple are heard and work as a team to feel more connected in their desires.
New clients can sign up for online couples counseling online by visiting On this page, individuals can choose to work with Amy Fort, their couples counselor specialist, schedule their first free session, and select “online counseling.” The first session is free.
Amy Fort is a licensed social worker at Sunshine City Counseling who provides counseling to individuals in Florida. She is known as Sunshine City Counseling’s resident restorer of relationships.
Her passion is working with couples and individuals who find themselves struggling with low self-esteem, anger, depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties.
More information on Amy Fort and online couples counseling can be found by visiting the URLs above.