St Petersburg FL Postpartum Depression Therapy Expert Self Care Guide Released

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Women’s mental health holistic practitioner Thriving Lane of St. Petersburg, FL, has released a new self-care guide about postpartum depression and ways to combat its symptoms.

Thriving Lane, a women’s health clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida, has released a new guide about postpartum depression and therapy. The guide provides new mothers with self-care advice, and tips on recognizing and alleviating symptoms.

The guide is available at

With the latest announcement, Thriving Lane aims to provide self-help advice to women who have recently given birth and are experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression. The guide also directs readers to the clinic’s teletherapy services.

According to several studies, postpartum depression affects 1 in 7 women in the United States, accounting for about 600,000 cases each year.

Thriving Lane takes a holistic approach to women’s reproductive health and mental health. The center specializes in disorders such as postpartum depression and anxiety during pregnancy. The practice provides evidence-based treatments including counseling, positive psychology, and CBT delivered by psychiatrists.

The new postpartum therapy guide states that though postpartum depression can affect women regardless of age, race, or background, expectant mothers should be aware of some key risk factors. For example, those who have previously suffered from mental health issues or have a history of depression are more at risk, as are those that experience a traumatic life event during pregnancy.

The guide details the signs and debilitating symptoms of postpartum disorders during pregnancy and after birth. These include irritability or mood swings, depressive thoughts for more than 2 weeks, thoughts of self-harm or of harming the child, and difficulty concentrating. It provides information on how Thriving Lane can provide help and support through virtual therapy sessions.

The guide also discusses ways to stay healthy during pregnancy and after birth. For example, eating healthy foods can help combat sluggish and run-down feelings by providing the body with sufficient nutrients. Finding ways to enjoy light exercise according to a mother’s physical capabilities can lift the mood.

Thriving Lane can provide counseling and teletherapy for those who struggle with the transition into motherhood. Patients can access treatments from the comfort of their own homes. The center also treats clients in Alaska, Georgia, Minnesota, and Nebraska.

More information can be accessed at