(Newswire.net — November 3, 2015) — A new website designed to help students earn better grades and do better in school is now ready to use.
The StudyGroupie.com website has launched with the purpose of providing tips, advice and information to high school and college students.
The site’s editor, Maria DeMars, said that her new site offers a variety of tips, tactics and strategies that students can use to get better test scores, complete homework faster, earn better grades and get accepted into the college of their choice.
“In some ways, school can be harder today than it was a few decades ago,” stated DeMars, “While young students today have a lot of tools and technology to help them learn and succeed, there are also lots of distractions that make it difficult for students to concentrate. Many students are also pressured by their peers and parents to achieve terrific grades and participate in extracurricular activities that may be beyond what they are really comfortable with.”
“We understand that a lot of readers who come to our site are looking for a fast solution,” continued DeMars, “Like a lot of people in other areas of life these days, they want to find instant solutions. They want to learn a few easy tips and secrets to do better on their exams or help them get into the right college. They want to spend just a few minutes and get their problem solved.”
“Knowing this, we try to arrange our site so that our readers can come in, read a few tips and suggestions to digest right now, and then come back later for more,” she said, “We understand that changing the way you approach school and learning is a longer process, but it all starts with one initial step.”
Have Fun But Also Have Realistic Expectations
“While we approach education and learning seriously, we don’t take our site too seriously,” DeMars said, “We try to approach the material in a fun way. We’re writing for young people, so we don’t write in a stuffy manner. And we also try to be as honest as we can. For example, we tell our viewers that if they are a junior in high school and they are just starting now to be interested in getting into college, they aren’t going to be accepted at Harvard. They need to be realistic.”
“A lot of what we write about is common-sense stuff,” concluded DeMars, “But this common-sense material is really the essential stuff that students need to know. And a lot of students don’t really know it yet.”
DeMars mentioned that the Study Groupie site is free for anyone to use.
About Study Groupie
StudyGroupie.com is a new online tool that is designed to help students earn higher exam scores, finish homework easier, get better grades and get accepted into college. For details, you can visit http://www.StudyGroupie.com.
Media Contact Details:
Maria DeMars
Email: Support@StudyGroupie.com
Additional Contact Info at http://www.studygroupie.com/contact-us/