Study Found Magnesium Is Potentially Beneficial in Asthmatics

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( — September 13, 2019) Orlando, FL — Individuals who have asthma typically suffer from a variety of symptoms that make their lives difficult on a daily basis. While there are pharmaceutical products available, it is wise to take into account what nutrients can offer.

A study has found magnesium is potentially beneficial in asthmatics. In a study conducted in the United States, the researchers discovered magnesium is beneficial in improving the lung function and quality of life of sufferers.

Magnesium is one of the macrominerals that play a significant role in a variety of processes inside the body. As a matter of fact, it is involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions within the system.

The above-mentioned study was published in the Journal of Asthma. In this study, the researchers found out that there was an increase in the measures of lung capacity by 6 percent. The improvements took place within six months of magnesium supplementation.

What makes this study even more interesting is that there were also improvements in the bronchial response to methacholine. It is worth realizing that this chemicals causes constriction of the lungs.

One of the researchers, Alexandra Kazaks from Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington State, suggests that magnesium could be beneficial for those with mild to moderate asthma.

This mineral could be a natural and effective approach in fighting this condition. In Epidemiological studies, it was found that magnesium has beneficial effects on the occurrence and management of asthma.

Unfortunately, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), less than half of the U.S. adult population consumes the recommended daily allowance of magnesium.

It is worth realizing that intake of this mineral has been considered to be essential for human health. Its deficiency has even been linked with the onset of various diseases and disorders. There are many people who are deficient in this mineral and are even unaware of it.

Magnesium is a widely-studied by researchers and clinicians due to the essential role it plays in human health. This mineral could work wonders in improving overall health.

Magnesium can be obtained from different plant-based sources or supplements. Aside from taking this mineral through supplementation, it is wise to consider the use of Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil Spray.

Some experts say that 60 percent of what is applied on the skin can be absorbed by the body. This means that when this spray is used, it could deliver abundant levels of this mineral. This formula is crafted carefully to provide consumers the safest and potent source of magnesium (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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