T.E.N. Family Dentistry in Lakewood CO is Moving Offices

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(Newswire.net via Emailwire.com — April 26, 2013) Denver, CO — Dr. Thomas E. Nyvold, a family dentist who has been practicing dentistry in Lakewood, Colorado since 1989 is very pleased to announce a change is coming. “After 24 years of being part of a group practice. I am opening my own office.”

Dr. Nyvold and his team are moving to a new location in Lakewood. The new location features more space and updated technology, Dr. Nyvold is excited about the prospects of the new office. “The new office has new imaging systems, updated equipment and additional space for my staff and hygienists. We will still be the same family dental practice, treating all our patients with great dental care. Our new location is just down thestreet from our old office, which will make it convenient for current patients.”

Their new address is: 3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Suite 303 Lakewood, CO 80227. In conjunction with the move, Dr. Nyvold is also letting people know that new patients are also welcome. As a full family dental office, T.E.N. Family Dentistry takes patients at all ages.

“We encourage parents to bring in children as young as three years of age, because starting children off on the right foot is critical. We also welcome individuals, families, and seniors to come visit our new office. My staff and I feel that our patients will like the new changes. ” said Dr. Nyvold.

Serious medical issues can stem from poor dental hygiene, so regular brushing and flossing are highly recommended by Dr. Nyvold.  Good health includes regular dental care and checkups are critical for many reasons. For those living in or near Lakewood, CO, Dr. Nyvold has 5 reasons for having your teeth checked and cleaned twice a year by a professional dentist.

Better Overall HealthEarly Detection and Possible Prevention of Gum DiseaseEarly Detection and Possible Prevention of Dental CariesBad BreathEarly Detection and Possible Prevention of Oral Cancer  The move is slated to take place the weekend of April 26th-28th. T.E.N. Family Dentistry will be open for business as usual on Monday April 29th at their new location. Dr. Nyvold and his staff look forward to being your Lakewood, Colorado family dentist. For more information, to book an appointment or to learn more about Dr. Nyvold and T.E.N. Family Dentistry, visit www.tenfamilydentistry.com


T.E.N. Family Dentistry
3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Suite 303
Lakewood, CO 80227


(303) 988-6115