January 3, 2013- Tampa, Fl- It has become increasingly apparent that the relationship between employers and employees is increasingly being overlooked as the economy has stretched the pocketbooks of business owners and job scarcity becomes even more pervasive. Employees are often overlooked, especially minimum wage and blue collar workers that are taken for granted as a factory worker that can be readily replaced.
Our employees are the ambassadors to the clientele that pays the bills. It is this frontline face of a business and the way they handle their responsibilities and consequently present your business’ image that makes the difference between a professionally managed company and one that is merely surviving. So what does it take to manage this process effectively? Look at companies that grew most recently from a tiny garage to a global behemoth like Google. The owners of Google have created a live/ work environment that prospers and fosters goodwill and camaraderie and respect at all levels of the organization.
What some might construe as being playtime might be considered a necessary ingredient to the happiness and therefore productivity of the workers. Creativity is more art than it is science but the freedom to think and explore as a human being also builds a level of trust and personal satisfaction that salary and money alone cannot accomplish. Some professions must work and bill on the clock but others where the time put in can be somewhat fungible can take advantage of this loophole of flexibility. European cultures have capitalized on siesta and naptime periods that recognize the human behavior pattern and relationship between meals and rest
An afternoon nap of two hours is very common in European countries like Italy, Spain, and France whereby their employees return later to their offices and work a bit later but provide more productivity. Rested and alert, an employee returns providing a much higher percentage of brain power and will power to perform. The happiness quotient can never be over looked. The janitorial service business is a perfect example of the employees possessing the relationship power with the client and although they are being employed by their employer, the long term effects of that client janitorial company relationship is handled by the employees.
For more in depth information about professional employer-employee handling for success im commercial cleaning and other related businesses, contact: Excel Building Services at: (813) 415-8229