TD Bulgarian Split Squat Video Revealed By Bodyweight Torch

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( — 28, January, 2013) Atlanta, GA — Bodyweight programs for workouts are available everywhere. One program available is Bodyweight Torch by Mike Whitfield. Whitfield is a trainer from Atlanta, GA, and has created a program with exercises that help the everyday person trying to lose weight; and they are fun to. He has released a number of videos to show how the exercises are done correctly to avoid injury and one of those is the TD Bulgarian Split Squat.

Bodyweight Torch takes a person through a 4-week workout program to help them lose weight. There is no need to sign up to a gym or buy or rent expensive equipment. Everything can be done from home, at work or wherever suits a person best. Part of the program is a conditioning program, which is where the TD Bulgarian Split Squats are found.

The split squats are unique to Bodyweight Torch and offer a lower body exercise that also works the upper body and improves the mobility of the shoulders. This exercise is great for those who find themselves slaving away at a desk day in and day out. The TD Bulgarian Split Squat will improve posture to stop the shoulders slumping that many desk workers suffer with. For those worried about doing the exercise wrong, a video shows perfect and proper form.

There is no need for any special equipment to do the exercise. Consistency is important when losing weight and getting healthier. The idea of Bodyweight Torch is to help people enjoy exercise and give them something different, including circuits, so that they want to keep going and do more.

“The TD Bulgarian Split Squat is a client favorite and has improved coordination for many of my clients.” Whitfield explained when revealing his new video. He continued to explain how the video is important to make sure people follow the exercises correctly since they are so advanced to avoid injury.

The TD Bulgarian Split Squat and more with this 4-week program. Bodyweight Torch is completely free to download from

About: Mike Whitfield is a boot camp workouts and bodyweight exercises expert.  He recently released the free workout program BodyweightTorch to celebrate his 3 year anniversary of losing 105 pounds.  Recently he also released bodyweight exercise videos on the modified burpee and lunge jumps.