Technique for Rejuvenating Cells to Repair Osteoarthritis Cartilage Damage

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( — March 28, 2017) Orlando, FL — Researchers and scientists have long been conducting research studies to discover more about arthritis and its treatment. The good news is that there are actually some positive findings in some studies conducted over the years.

Scientists reveal a technique in rejuvenating cells to repair osteoarthritis cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and it impacts about 27 million people in the United States alone.

The scientists from the University of York attempted to develop stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis. It is important to remember that this condition does not just affect millions in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom.

According to the research team, animals such as newts have the potential to regenerate lost tissues and organs that take place when a limb is severed. The study was published in Nature Scientific Reports.

Dr. Paul Genever, scientist from the Arthritis Research UK Tissue Engineering Centre in the University’s Department of Biology, and his research team, have developed a strategy to rejuvenate cells belonging to older individuals with osteoarthritis.

The study was intended to come up with a technique that could help repair damage cartilage and reduce pain. Presently, there is no treatment to prevent osteoarthritis progression. There are even many individuals with such a severe case of disease that resort to a total joint replacement surgery.

According to experts, the bone marrow stem cells of individuals with osteoarthritis are an important source of possible treatment. This is due to the fact that they have the potential to generate joint tissue that the body is unable to reject when re-implanted.

Nonetheless, it is important to remember that the levels of these stem cells decrease as people grow older. The ones that remain, on the other hand, have less ability to repair and grow tissue.

The researchers reveal that the cells in newts have the ability to change as a response to injury, and this is a process called dedifferentiation. The cells could aggregate and go back to their stem cell-like state, which allows them to grow in numbers. This also enables them to generate specialized cells required for the formation of new tissue.

Studies are still underway to discover more about osteoarthritis treatment. While there hasn’t been any cure yet, many arthritis sufferers are turning to the use of glucosamine supplements.

Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring substance in the body. It may have the potential to repair cartilage damage and help to improve overall joint health.


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