(Newswire.net — March 5, 2016) The Dalles , Oregon — Frustrated business professionals inspired Brad Harmon, founder of U B All U R Business Solutions, to develop solutions that work for local businesses. After years of studying, applying, validating, improving and implementing marketing strategies for authors, doctors, lawyers and service technicians, he created the “Local Authority Client Generation Solution.”
“The problem is huge and fundamental,” Brad began in an online interview. “Businesses need customers, clients, patients and members to survive and grow. The problem is they’ve been sold stuff, lots of stuff, by advertising companies; Newspapers, TV and Radio stations, Web Designers, etcetera, convinced to buy marketing tools: SEO, Pay-per-Click, Customer Relationship Management Systems, etcetera, without a core marketing strategy in place, and when they don’t get the results they need, it is the economy’s fault.
“People buy from people they know like and trust,” Harmon explained. “The industry calls this Authority Marketing, which simply means, are they competent? Have they done it before and can they do it again? And what results did other clients get? When a business professional answers these three questions satisfactorily, they win the business. To that end, Local Authority Client Generation Solution was created.”
Local Authority Client Generation Solution has three phases:
Phase 1: Leverage Happy Clients to Attract More Clients (Social Proof – lots of it)
Phase 2: Authority Content Creation and Syndication (Competence & Proof – digitally dispersed)
Phase 3: Authority Conversation Strategy
(Systemized solution to create members, patients, clients and customer)
In tests, U B All U R Business Solutions found that most businesses saw results is 7 days or less after applying phases one or two. Looking for more proof, Harmon is recruiting 5 anonymous businesses from LinkedIn to be part of a case study. They will implement a phase for 30 days and track results.
What is an anonymous business? A business that doesn’t show up on page one of google for what they want to be famous for. Everyone should show up for their business name, but not everyone shows up for what they do or sell. If the business doesn’t show up when people are looking for the product or service, that is an anonymous business.
U B All U R Business Solutions is offering two complimentary tools to help business owners discover if they are an anonymous business, an Online Reputation Report and a Local Ranking Report.
Harmon was quick to point out that Local Authority Client Generation Solution is not an SEO product, yet one of the side effects is showing up more often in search results. Creating authority based content that informs people of a professional’s competence, proof and social proof is what consumers, search engines and social media want, and the business is rewarded for it.
About U B All U R Business Solutions
U B All U R Business solutions has been helping business professionals grow their business since 2010. Our marketing strategist design and implement digital marketing strategies that work. One of our most popular products is You Be All You Are TV
U B All U R Business Solutions
744 E. Scenic DriveThe Dalles , Oregon 97058
United States