TFCO Launches Website Teaching How to Improve Life

Photo of author — July 8, 2 013) Geraldton, AU — A new website owned by The Family Care Organisation (TFCO) has been launched recently. This web site is one of the six web sites that were built for the fundraising activities of the TFCO.

“How to Get A Life” is intended for people who have dire circumstances and are about to or have lost hope. The content aims to give inspiration and to encourage and help these people to go on living,” Mr Warren stated.

There is a lot of free content, e-books and articles dealing with the general issues we all face in life, the site also boasts of a considerable quantity of in-depth self-help literature, and a personal confidential venue for private counselling if required.

Formed three years ago, The Family Care Organisation envisions building facilities for single mothers and their babies. Funds for the construction and operations of these facilities will be raised from the revenues of the six web sites, and others as TFCO expands its operations.

“We are planning to build several facilities in every country for single mothers and their infants. Single mothers are sometimes left with no option aside from getting rid of their babies so that they can get on with their lives. TFCO will guide them on how to get a life after the father of their babies abandoned them and their families have rejected them,” Mr Warren stated.

As conceptualized by Mr Warren, the facilities in each country will be able to provide much of the food needs of the mothers and their babies. There would be vegetable gardens, fish ponds, fruit trees, and poultry to be tended by the beneficiaries. Most of the food supplies would be produced by the mothers themselves.

Recently, Mr Warren revealed that he plans to place priority in countries where Neonaticide or killing of infants is rampant. “I believe that given other options, these mothers would not be able to abandon or harm their children,” he stressed.

The thrust of the TFCO also sprang from its CEO’s desire to contribute to the reduction of societal problems. There is data that states very clearly that children from single parent families usually row up to become major problems to society. In the United States alone, it is estimated that 80% of the juvenile delinquents and prison inmates come from homes with single mothers.

“By helping single mothers and their babies have better lives and prospects for the future, TFCO will be able to help reduce the number of young boys and girls who become problems of society. The children can grow up in an environment where they can eat three times a day, play if they want, and feel secure and loved. This way, they will grow up leading normal lives,” Mr Warren further stated.

Mr Warren has built five other web sites for The Family Care Organisation’s support. “People who visit our web sites or purchase the products or the services we promote are all donors to the TFCO’s project and we are all grateful to them,” he declared.


Information regarding The Family Care Organisation: 

To Get A Life:

Author: Edward Morrows G+