The Key to Self Help is an Affirmations Mirror

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Self help, most products today claim to do just that, but when you look at their experience backing their claim, it usually falls short.  If you are looking to find the key to self help, it might just be as close as your mirror.

 Lisa McCarthy, inventor and creator of the Affirmations Mirror, knows firsthand about the power to transform our own lives through affirmation. She knows, because she transformed her own life using this highly effective technique.

 Living in foster care after suffering abuse, neglect, and burns over 40% of her body, she felt unworthy, unlovable, and broken, spending most of my childhood and teen years entrenched in self doubt, distrust and painful burdens of  her past.   By age 21 as a single mother was empowered to break the cycle of abuse and give her daughter the life she deserved. A promise filled with love, understanding and positive leadership.

 For Lisa, the key to self help was that she made a choice  to step into the light, and embrace Joy.   She shut down the negative self-talk and discovered her power by looking deep into her own eyes in the mirror every day, and reaffirming Self Love through positive affirmation.

 In her journey she discovered her heart’s top 5 desires consisting of:

1.    Health;

2.    Wealth;

3.    An empowered destiny;

4.    Powerful and inspiring friends and colleagues;

5.    And the ever-flowing birth of new ideas.

Lisa began writing affirmations statements, placing them all over the house, and on every mirror. Eventually, the affirmations were everywhere she looked—her living space had turned into a sea of affirmations, and by this point, she couldn’t even see them anymore; the Self Help Engine, was in cycle.

Some years back, a person Lisa was studying with gave her an affirmation paragraph to say in the mirror while maintaining eye contact.  She tried, and tried to read the paragraph, but  had to keep looking away…this seemingly simple task felt simply impossible.

Epiphany Born

It dawned on Lisa, what if this affirmation played automatically every time I looked in the mirror? Allowing the user to maintain eye contact, as well as hear the message.   

“It was as if the idea came in the form of a download”

What would it take to create a combination of mirrors with the technology required to make the affirmations easy to follow when anyone looked into their own Affirmation Mirror,  and  how can this be shared to empower others?

For the answer and other great self help resources please visit