(Newswire.net — May 14, 2013) SAN DIEGO, CA — Not too long ago there was campaign after campaign, multiple celebrities on every other commercial stressing the importance of incorporating milk into the everyday lifestyle. Various “Got Milk” commercials would back the fact that milk “gives you strong bones and big muscles.” According to weight loss expert Natalie Jill, there is reasoning behind this sudden shift of milk advertising.
Milk is believed to prevent osteoporosis, along with many other diseases, by strengthening the bones with its vitamins and nutrients that includes; protein, calcium, potassium, folate, magnesium, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12), vitamins A, D, and vitamin E. While this holds much validity, the dairy pasteurizing and processing methods have changed over time with the development of big business dairy.
According to Natalie Jill, “Many times, cows and livestock are fed grains that are most often genetically modified and not exactly the diet of cows grazing out in nature. Also, they are often given antibiotics to keep them from getting sick from the filth and feces they stand in all day as they are packed into confined spaces. They are fed growth hormones to make them bigger faster, and many are kept in a constant state of pregnancy.”
The latest studies show that New Era milk is linked to hormone driven cancers, such as breast, prostate, testicular, and ovarian cancer. Natalie Jill says that while milk has been linked to cancers, it is still very important to supplement the nutrients in dairy, if one chooses to eliminate milk from daily life. “There are a lot of great milks that are dairy-free, such as soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, and coconut milk. They have about the same protein content as conventional skim milk and are fortified with calcium.” Other options to consider are blackstrap molasses, figs, nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts), dried beans, broccoli, kelp, cabbage, dark leafy greens (bok choy, kale, turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens), and more.
More information about the positives and negatives of New Era dairy, along with tips on how to supplement milk can be found on Natalie Jill’s blog. Visit Natalie Jill’s website at NatalieJillFitness.com also, if you’re looking for ways to live the healthiest lifestyle possible.