(Newswire.net – 23 July 2013) New York, NY – There are specific top weight loss foods to eat before bed detailed in a a new video and report from Health News Wire. These healthy weight-loss food options ensure people are not waking up hungry and bing eating during the night while trying to lose weight and burn fat.
Recommendations made in the Top Weight Loss Foods to Eat Before Bed report are intended to improve weight loss during rest. Dispelling the myth that eating at night leads to unwanted weight gain, this report recommends specific foods to eat after 7pm.
Although eating at night is now recommended, there are specific foods that are more beneficial than others. This report details the best weight loss foods and the foods that should be avoided.
Many of the foods recommended in this report are protein-based and designed to intentionally digest slowly through the night, keeping hunger at bay and increasing muscle-growth and weight-loss. There are two specific proteins that may hinder fat-loss when eaten before bed, and must be avoided, these proteins are detailed in the report.
The Top Weight Loss Foods to Eat Before Bed report provides the four best foods eat before bed to eliminate cravings and encourage healthy and fast weight loss.
According to Rick Porter of Health News Wires, “This new report demonstrates that eating before bed can increase weight loss results by fueling growth and repair, burning more calories, and preventing the midnight junk food binge. Follow the recommendations in this report and never go to bed hungry again.”
The report on foods to eat at night is available for free here at http://healthnewswires.com/Best-Foods-Before-Bed/.
About: HealthNewsWires.com is a new website that was launched in June of 2013 in order to educate the community in the importance of health and wellness. Previous topics covered on the site include Insulin Resistance; upcoming topics to be covered include weight loss, benefits of antioxidants, skin health, joint health, metabolism, digestive health, probiotics, gluten intolerance, cleansing diets, heart health, as well as several other highly informative articles to help people understand the connection between health and a high-quality of life. Most recently, they released an article and video titled Understanding Genetically Modified Organisms.