Unemployment NY, Food Stamps Florida: Dave & Dave Cracked The Job Code

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(Newswire.net  – April 10, 2013) Orlando, FL — Is It Feasible To Land High Paying Jobs & Even When The Job Market Is Down with Depressive Unemployment Trends… and You’re not fully Qualified for your Dream Job?

According to David Sharp & David Wood, Co-Founders of Empower Network, the answer is a clear yes!

Today, David Sharp and David Wood are job experts because they have gone through the worst job update times and unemployment update times themselves and words like monster job search, craigslist job search, job search engines, target job application, and find a job in Florida have been on their to do job skills list.  

Fortunately, these daily job searches in cities like Wisconsin, Texas, New York, Mississippi, and Florida are now part of their past.

David Wood explains today’s job and unemployment problem like this: “As an online marketer and entrepreneur, I receive questions about how to get a job fast from unemployed people on a daily basis.

Over the past 7 years of running my own successful online business that helps people better their lifes and
earn money by doing simple daily tasks online, I’ve personally interviewed hundreds of job applications, and I have personally reviewed thousands of job application of individuals that are all looking to get a job today.”

He continues to say: “Even though we are not a job agency that deals with job applicants directly, we have helped and answered all of the incoming job applications and we are very proud to say that the individuals who have taken my advice to heart have been able to secure a monthly income for themselves and their families.

The individuals who have listened to my advice have been able to change their unemployed and bad financial situations.

Check out the success stories here: http://www.markzuckerbergfortune.info/like/ClickHere

On the other side, the individuals who have been trying to continue with the frustration of applying for that ghost job (because it does not even exist in reality) and who have been going through the job application and interview process, have not been able to change their situation to better their life.”

Here’s a sad fact when it comes to getting a job in today’s marketplace: Less than one tenth of one percent of all the cover letters that get sent out to job recruiters are going to capture the recruiter’s interest.

David Wood throws in: “I have talked to countless job recruiters to better understand the problem of unemployment today and why people have such a hard time finding a job and I have come to the following conclusion.

The job market has completely changed and it has pretty much gotten to a point where everyone has to accept the fact that applying to a job in a traditional way has become obsolete. In today’s competetive and tough marketplace it is just not enough anymore to apply for a job and call it a day.

I want to help these individuals change their mindsets and in order to do this I am taking one hour of my daily schedule to call the individuals who are still applying for a job. I am calling these job applicants to let them know about the reality of things, before it’s too late for them and before the economic system has eaten them up!”

Why most people struggle in the job market of today

According to Roger Barry, a reverse job model user: “There is a reason why so many job seekers struggle with landing their dream job – or even getting an interview – despite so much help being offered to these job seekers today.

I truly want to help these desperate job seeking people because I was once like thinking like them. I have written more than 199 articles about how job seekers should approach the problem and how they should reinvent themselves in order to help them make money in less than 30 days and without going through the frustrating and traditional way of applying for a job. These job seekers finally have to understand that seeking a job the traditional way does not work anymore.”

Roger Barry has been able to publish his articles in publications like the Job Seeker Weekly0, Net-Temps, Career News, the Star Tribune, and Job Bank USA just to name a few — on the topic of unemployment, how to get a job the right way, and about mindset. Mindset is the basis to resolve today’s job problem because financial success really has a lot to do with mindset and attitude. People who are looking to change their financial situation need to change their mindset first.

Roger Barry explains: “Recently, I started off one of my articles by saying, “Cover letters and job applications get no response and no respect.” Titles that are provocative like this do get attention.”

Roger continues: “In today’s tough job marketplace you have to “sell” yourself and your solution. You have to think in terms of what assets you can bring to the table. What are you worth in terms of assets and in terms of inventory. What is your solution to the problem?

People still do not get the fact that they have to ask the question what can I do for them instead of what can the business or the company offer to me as an employee.

There are many success stories that you can read on David Sharp’s & David Wood’s website: http://www.markzuckerbergfortune.info/like/ClickHereIf you have heard about Frank Kern, an internet marketer, he teaches people a formula that goes like this:

Here is what I got for you.
Here is what it does for you.
Here is how you can get it!

Once you understand Frank’s forumula, you will get the idea that resumes DO NOT sell anymore!

They are not built to sell.

And most important of all, unless the applicant’s job resume is exceptional, it can actually end up hurting a job seeker. I am willing to bet that a traditional job seeker has never even heard about this fact before.

Here is What Job Seekers are Doing Wrong

Job seekers are practically plastering places like Craigslist with their resumes and no one really understands the fact that unless you change the way of doing things completely differently there will be no better result.

Craigslist is not the place where you should be looking for work because no one is looking for your resume. You have to turn the process around and post your own solutions to Craigslist.

Craigslist is a very powerful online community and you should use it to your advantage. You should harness the power of Craigslist because people who do tap into the power of Craigslist are the true winners of the modern job market.

By modern job market I do not mean “job” in a traditional sense.”

Roger Barry uses Craigslist in a reversed sense and he offers his own solutions to people who are looking for a job on Craigslist.

Guess who wins? The job seeker or Roger Barry?

Roger Barry wins the game on Craigslist because he has gone through the mindset training of David & David from Empower and he knows that positioning himself as a job seeker is not going to bring the bacon on the table at the end of the month.

Today, job seekers are loosing on places like Craigslist and any other job maketplaces that they are using to plaster their resumes like mad.

The job seeker who positions his or her solution in a different way and reverses the objective by offering a valuable product or service instead of looking for a “job”.

Roger Barry offers his specific solution that is showing a job seeker or an unemployed individual a solution. That solution is to sell the job seeker an “online job” or as he prefers to call it “a reverse job”. He shows exactly how it works, what the job applicant has to do, and he shows his own results in terms of income possibilities. He even shows his bank account to show his monthly earnings that he gets deposited into
his bank account at the end of each month.

Roger Barry has created his own independent job without being dependent on a real job. He has gotten very cool results following an easy to follow and point by the numbers system and he is able to show his paypal earnings that he earns each month as if he had a “real job”.

There is one exception between Roger Barry’s “reversed job” and the “traditional job”, Roger Barry really gets the money deposited into his bank account while the traditional job seeker is still looking.

It is a pretty cool lifestyle to be on the “reversed job model”. Roger Barry is able to live his dream because he accepted the fact and the reality of the job market. He has changed from a traditional job seeking model to using an independent job model or reverse job model.

His financial success came when he quit looking for a job and started changing his mindset. Once he applied the reversed model of the traditional job and applied the independent type of “reverse job model” he got paid as if he truly landed the best job of his life.

How Roger Barry conquered the job application conundrum, with a unique approach

“One afternoon, I thought to myself, “Roger”, it would be so easy for me as a job seeker to land that dream job and to stand out from the crowd in any field — landing the exact dream job that I truly desire  — if only I had the proper job landing solution to do so.

So, one day I decided to follow a new approach and let David Wood help me revamp and adjust my approach so that it would work as a model for me instead of against me. I had already done a lot of mindset work before and knew at that point that I just had to change some little things in my job model approach in order to have success.

I let David Wood help me and he showed me how to reverse my job so that instead of looking for a job I had to create the job for others and I call this way of thinking the reverse job model approach.

So I decided to take on the challenge that David Wood proposed to me in order to help me reverse my model to match the modern working environment. I decided to get help and accepted the challenge to change the way that I was thinking about looking for a job.

Didn’t I tell you that everything comes down to mindset and persepctive? It does not get easier than this. Change your mindset and try looking at things from a different angle and you will come up with the best AHA-Moments and solutions for every problem that you are trying to figure out.

Figuring out the job problem is no different.

Within one week of forcing myself to work on my mindset on a daily basis, David Wood was able to help me reverse my job model approachh from using the backwards and old job seeking appraoch to using the reversed job model approach that made all the diffenrence in my life.

I started to use the reversed job model approach on a daily basis and was able to immediately feel the magic dust from it.

I sat down and did just the specific tasks that David Wood  told me to do.

I was able to bring in results like never before. Then I immediately went ahead and selected a few job seekers that I found on Craigslist and who still applied the backwards way of seeking a job, and I turned and reveresed their approach.

I was able to put my new job model to the test with these traditional job seekers and the magic happened for them, too.”

So What were the Results, according to Roger Barry?

“A Magical 11 words phrase: INCOME AT THE END OF THE MONTH INTO MY BANK ACCOUNT! A massive increase in requests for my new reversed job model solution that I learned from David Wood.

I was excited, but to be honest, at that time I already understod that the reversed job model was the way to go and I was not surprised anymore because I understod the power of mindset.

I understod exactly what was happening, and I understod that my new results where all the results that came from one little change of doing things in a new way.

Powerful, isn’t it – one little tweak, one little change, one little thing of doing things in a reverse and new way and against the traditional way of doing things!

My new process of working my job that I call the reversed job model did something noone had ever effectively explained to me before: The new reversed job model is making it easy for a job seeker to change things around and David Sharp and David Wood make it insanely easy for everyone to follow the instructions.

Following my daily tasks that need to be done is all I am really doing.


Because David Sharp and David Wood have written the instructions with the major emphasis on getting the easy to do daily tasks done.

Just copy what they tell you and you are done. Rinse and reapeat every day!
They focus on the unique approach of getting things done and this is how they explain to other traditional job seekers what is going wrong and why they can’t get a job with their backwards way of thinking about getting a job.

In the past, I would have never considered David Sharp’s and David Wood’s approach because it is so common sense. On the other hand it is so powerful at the same time. We human beings usually tend to overcomplicate things and that is why I would never have considered this easy approach of David & David to begin with.

Roger Barry uses David Sharp’s & David Wood’s training that creates these “magical” reverse job model solutions with a fill-in-the-blanks level of simplicity automatically for him in order to show traditonal job seekers how they can change the old non working job model into the new reversed job model approach.  

Was it Worth it?

Roger Barry encourages people and tells them: “Empower has changed my mindset and my bank account. I was a traditional job seeker once but David & David and their Empower solution have turned me into a reversed job model user and for the first time in my life I am enjoying a monthly paycheck that automatically shows up in my bank account at the end of each month.

I do not know of a traditional job at a local company that is able to exactly the same thing for me!”

“The system is saving me time, energy, and stress at the same time.” Roger Barry tells us with a sense of confidence and pride.

I have been able to add all the time and independence to my life that I would have otherwise lost on an annoying job. Today I can dispose of my time and I can spend my money on my own terms without having to report to a boss.

Best of all, Roger Barry, is very passionate about his new reversed job and his passion truly shows through when he talks about his daily chores. He loves what he is doing and enjoys all the other benefits that come with a life that does not depend on any entity or company that takes possession of his life.

Like Roger Barry who has gotten his life back the moment he stopped looking for a tradtional job, so many other people have been able to enjoy the benefits of the reverse job model approach.

There are many success stories that you can read on David Sharp’s & David Wood’s website: http://www.markzuckerbergfortune.info/like/ClickHere that should, at the very least, encourage, motivate, and inspire you to give it a try today and double your life like it happened for Roger Barry and so many others who have followed after him.

To learn more about David Sharp’s & David Wood’s  solution, and Roger Barry’s story, along with dozens of other stories from people who have also tried this solution, visit: http://www.markzuckerbergfortune.info/like/ClickHere

What others are saying…

“Now I’m working in my dream job… for which I had no experience at all…”  – Konrad Kimber
New York, USA

“Mindset, mindset, mindset” – Mary Bauer, Miami, USA

Click here to read the full review

“I will make this short, but I just have to tell you that after 4 years, THAT IS 4 years of cruizing the web, sending out resumes and cover letters, hiring a career consultant (total waste of time and money!), and working “bridge and unhealthy moonlighting jobs” trying to get back on track and into the job market, I came across an article written by Roger Barry in Net-Temps Career News. It did not only change my life, but it doubled my life” – Frank Runnebaum Knoxville, TN USA

Click here to read the full review

“Even though I was trained to be a professional writer and I paid high fees to get me through school, I still found it very challenging to land my dream job. Thanks to David & David I finally found my dream job “– David Garfinkel, California, USA

Click here to read the full review