(Newswire.net — June 3, 2020) — A new positive news dog story has been launched by My Best Bark to provide entertainment to lockdown readers. It details the story of Princess, a dog pretending to be a stray to secure free food at McDonalds.
My Best Bark, the popular online viral news site for positive news stories regarding dogs, has launched a new report. It covers a dog called Princess, who has been making headlines for pretending to be a stray in order to secure free burgers from McDonalds.
More information can be found at: https://mybestbark.com/pooch-pretends-to-be-homeless-at-mcdonalds-in-order-to-get-free-burgers
My Best Bark has developed a reputation for high quality online news articles and features regarding dogs across the world. The site regularly provides up-to-date and breaking articles that have captured the attention of the web or the media.
Recent stories include heartwarming tales of a couple reducing their dog’s stress, and how a stray caught in a trap managed to regain her life. Readers have also recently enjoyed an article covering a dog sled team that helped to deliver groceries during lockdown.
Now the online viral news site has launched a new article that is proving popular among readers for the charm and character it shows. It details how Princess started hanging around McDonald’s in Oklahoma every night begging people for a share of their burgers.
Customers took pity on her because they thought she was a stray, and consequently gave her leftover bits from their meals. However, Princess then made the mistake of begging at her owner’s car – causing her plan to fail.
Owner Betsey Reyes said: “If you ever see my dog at McDonald’s, quit feeding her.” She explained that the dog wasn’t a stray, but was intent on fooling customers into giving her free food.
The night Princess got caught was captured on camera, and the story has since gone viral on social media. Readers are seeking positive news in these uncertain times, and Princess’s story has captured the attention of the nation.
My Best Bark is committed to providing visitors with the best dog stories from around the web.
Full details of this and other articles can be found on the URL above.