USA Refund Claims – Covid-19 Special Overage Collection Services Launched

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GMM Refund Claims announced that it is helping people in the US affected by the pandemic get their money back if they have left too much with the state. The company carries out regular audits in many states.

GMM Refund Claims, a company focusing on getting refunds for customers in the United States, has announced the launch of post-pandemic support services.

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With the latest announcement, the company seeks to enable people to reclaim money back from State Agencies held in their name.

GMM Refund Claims conducts its services by carrying out an audit on state government agencies throughout the country. After doing that, it looks to see where these agencies owe money – either to individuals, families or private companies.

Once these funds have been identified, the company gets in touch with the person it believes is owed money. After that, they go about moving forward to reclaim the funds for the person or business.

The company pledges to take the burden of all costs involved until the claim is successful. Once the money is gathered, recipients are usually paid within a specific time frame.

For overage redemptions, laws vary by state. In some, such as South Carolina, a redemption period exists. During this timeframe, individuals can claim their money back if the state has held too much. If left unclaimed, the funds usually go to the government.

Many families in the US are struggling financially as a result of the pandemic. Just after national restrictions came into play in March 2020, unemployment jumped by over 10% to 14.7% in the following month. Several state economies are also reeling from over 12 months of limited action or inaction.

The company’s announcement forms part of its commitment to ensuring that people are only paying what they are required to and not losing their money to the government.

GMM Refund Claims is based in Stephenson, Virginia. The company comprises services professionals and works on finding funds it believes customers are owed. Rather than customers going to them, the business first reaches out to people it feels are owed money by preliminary audits.

A company spokesperson said: “Many people in the US unknowingly pay far too much to the government. Often, they don’t think about reclaiming and lose more money than they should. States start to count these private funds as part of their budgets. Private citizens losing their funds to government agencies is outdated, and we’re determined to stop this from happening.”

Readers interested in finding out more about GMM Refund Claims can visit for more information.