(Newswire.net — February 18, 2015) — Centro Fox – the Vicente Fox Center, is a non-profit philanthropic organization dedicated to the principles of social justice, economic fairness, and responsible government. Founded in 2006 by former Mexican President Vicente Fox and his wife Marta, the Fox Center reflects the former president’s commitment to positive humanitarian change throughout the world.
The forward-thinking organization works to foster social justice by identifying and nurturing the leadership qualities of all men, women and children everywhere. One of the primary goals of the institution is to educate the leaders of today and tomorrow in the ideals of gender equality, universal respect, human dignity, and the essential compassion that every great leader must embrace. The Center performs these functions through four basic areas: The Study and Consultancy Center (CEC), the Cultural Center (CC), The Center for Information and Documentation (CID), and the Institute for Analysis and Research (IAI).
A Harvard graduate, Vicente Fox created Centro Fox’s Study and Consultancy Center as the academic arm of the organization. The subjects of study are chosen for their focus on democracy, freedom, and the well-being of society as a product of individual welfare and development. The CEC offers a curriculum of specialized classes, seminars, and various lectures and speeches. Master’s Degree programs are also available through the CEC.
The Cultural Center is designed to feed the compassionate, creative side of human nature through artistic expression and cultural exploration. The elusive concepts of freedom, equity and democracy share an indefinable bond with the artistic side of human nature, and within the CC the development of the creative mind is enhanced through music and various cultural art forms.
In the interest of promoting transparency in government, former President Fox has made his administration’s Presidential Archive available at the Center for Information and Documentation. The CID also houses an exhaustive collection of documents relating to the concepts and ideals promoted by the Fox Center.
The Institute for Analysis and Research is the hub of progressive innovation and ideas relating to global government, democracy and the promotion of freedom. Leadership for Leaders of Leading Firms, or L3, is an IAI program devoted to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed through education and managerial training.
Centro Fox is not the only the flagship entry in Vicente Fox’s portfolio of an altruistic life. Even before his highly successful career in politics, Mr. Fox was the devoted father to four adopted children. Troubled by the suffering of orphaned children his home town of Guanajuato, Vicente founded an orphanage to help provide for their care and upbringing.
His desire to help improve the lives of those around him eventually led Vicente to seek the political arena. As governor of Guanajuato, his first order of business was to enhance the transparency of government, which he accomplished by making the financial records of his state government available to the public for the first time in the history of Mexico. His overwhelming popularity and compassionate leadership helped propel Guanajuato to one of the most economically successful areas of Mexico. In 2000, Vicente Fox and his Alliance for Change defeated the dictatorial Institutional Revolutionary Party, ushering in a new era of positive social and economic change that continues to this day.