(Newswire.net — July 17th, 2013) Boise, ID — We have discovered that the popular training course, Video Genesis, launched on Friday July 12th 2013 is going to be shutting down with a huge final push for sales. Some are calling this a scarcity tactic, however, this is a very well known tactic within Internet Marketing products and training courses. This also allows the producers of such products, in this case Mike Filsaime and Andy jenkins, to relaunch the product a few months down the line for a limited period of time.
Video Genesis is an online based training course that teaches people how to create professional looking websites from their homes. This reduces the requirement for expensive video production companies and small marketing firms can adopt these techniques at a fraction of the normal cost.
We are advised that these videos do not require expensive video production and edited software. However, these more expensive elements are also covered in the training.
It would seem however, that there is an issue with the training, which is one of traffic and views of the video as experienced internet marketer, Michael X explained to us. Michael said “Video Genesis is truly an amazing product, however, having these amazing looking videos is useless if your target audience never actually sees them”.
At the interview Michael was joined by Comrade iVan, another well know and respected internet marketer. iVan said “We are are providing a free mindmap and video that shows people how they can get their videos seen in both Google and YouTube. I must stress that there is nothing to buy, this is just our way of helping people out”. The information that iVan is talking about can be found here
iVan continued and said “There is no catch, we are simpling trying to help ours students, subscribers and anybody else that wants to learn how to rank videos. This will then ensure that prospects actually get to see the videos that marketers and small business owners alike have created.
Micheal, iVan and another marketer by the name of Brian Parnall have created lots of training courses over the years, with their most recent being “The Ultimate Tube Takeover”, which is a full training course on how to use video to generate targeted leads for any business model. It is this course that the free mindmap is generated from.