Viratech and Newswire Sign Master Distribution and Syndication Agreement

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( — June 9, 2014) Stockton , California — Viratech Corp (OTC: VIRA) and Newswire Network are proud to announce an agreement that allows unlimited content distribution and syndication for social networks built on the Viratech platform. The agreement allows all social networks that Viratech Corp. builds to have this broadcasting feature.    This distribution and sydication enhancement allows Viratech to leverage the Newswire consolidated editorial review process. This process allows edited content to pass through the Newswire engine and be broad casted as authoritative content directly within the specific Viratech social network platform.   This syndication delivers highly targeted contextual traffic, which has shown, leads to lower bounce rates, higher page views and increased time on the site.


“With Newswire’s distribution, social networks built on Viratech’s platform, are going to be able to leverage off their content in capturing increased contextual traffic, and a higher engagement” Stated Dr. Buckman CEO of Viratech.


DE Brown, Editor-in-Chief of Newswire, said “We are excited to team up with Viratech to publish their social networks original content.  Leveraging the distribution resources of Newswire, we hope to be able to give a louder voice to the great stories generated by Viratech’s networks.  Social networks that Viratech  are creating are producing highly targeted and specific content.  With our distribution agreement today, Newswire is going to broadcast this content, thus giving the members of Viratech developed social networks a louder voice to express themselves, which in turn will lead to higher level of engagement within the developed communities”


About Viratech 


Viratech Corp. Viratech has leveraged its intellectual property suite in creating a turn key social network platform.  These platforms are engineered for targeted niche communities, specifically in the medical and wellness space.


Additionally Viratech has created the first open source biotech research social network platform. The purpose of the platform is to make it possible for individuals or smaller companies to compete with larger companies in the race to protect new medicines or technology. This has been made possible by leveraging social collaboration in a way that allows new ventures the ability to protect their intellectual property, then simultaneously allowing those same ventures the ability to promote and produce their development 


About Newswire

Newswire Network is an association of Independent Journalists.  Through its website,, member journalists are able to publish their content on the most popular News sites, that receive Newswire news through RSS feeds, or direct syndication.  Newswire’s editorial staff maintains the integrity of its news stream, by reviewing and editing all submissions prior to publication.  In addition, Newswire acts as a hub for original content generated on other websites through its API integration.


Forward-Looking Statements:

This press release includes forward-looking statements concerning the future performance of our business, its operations and its financial performance and condition, and also includes selected operating results presented without the context of accompanying financial results. These forward-looking statements include, among others, statements with respect to our objectives and strategies to achieve those objectives, as well as statements with respect to our beliefs, plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates or intentions. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations. We caution that all forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and actual results may differ materially from the assumptions, estimates or expectations reflected or contained in the forward-looking information, and that actual future performance will be affected by a number of factors, including economic conditions, technological change, regulatory change and competitive factors, many of which are beyond our control. Therefore, future events and results may vary significantly from what we currently foresee. We are under no obligation (and we expressly disclaim any such obligation) to update or alter the forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



4712 Quail Lakes Drive
Stockton , California 95207