Weirton Sex Trafficking Sexual Abuse Law Firm, Alliance Service Announced

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Jesse Forbes, Esq., the Abuse Guardian sexual abuse attorney in Weirton, West Virginia, has updated the legal representation services he can offer the survivors of sex trafficking.

Jesse Forbes and his team at Forbes Law Offices are proud to be part of the Abuse Guardian collective, the only national alliance of sexual abuse lawyers and law firms. It is through this partnership that they can continue expanding their services, and they now believe they are better able to represent the victims and survivors of sex trafficking and to fight for the highest level of compensation through civil litigation.

More information is available at

Mr. Forbes and Abuse Guardian are committed to working harder together to both support individual victims and to discourage the continuation of human trafficking by bringing civil lawsuits against the myriad of businesses and organizations that profit from the unlawful trade of human beings, facilitate it, or even turn a blind eye to it.

As Jesse Forbes, Esq. explained, “In recent years, various industries have faced legal action for their complicity in human trafficking. Websites, hotels, airlines, and other establishments have been sued for facilitating or benefiting from this heinous crime. These lawsuits not only seek financial compensation for survivors but also aim to expose the role that these businesses play in perpetuating human trafficking.”

Mr. Forbes and Abuse Guardian believe that these recent legal developments, combined with the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, are cementing new and greater avenues by which the victims of human trafficking can seek financial compensation for their experiences, and can report and sue multiple culpable organizations.

If a survivor chooses to work with Jesse Forbes, he will help them bring forth a civil litigation lawsuit that seeks damages for their physical and psychological trauma and that will adequately provide for their needs for years to come.

Jesse Forbes, Esq. and his team offer new clients an initial complimentary consultation and they encourage any victim to come forward and seek justice for their experiences.

Abuse Guardian said, “By pursuing a civil lawsuit, victims can seek compensation for the damages they have suffered as a result of sex trafficking. This compensation can help cover medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related expenses. Additionally, filing a lawsuit not only provides financial support but also encourages further reform in combating human trafficking.”

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