There are stories to be told from everything. So much so that newspapers only print what they feel “fits.” What exactly makes a story fit? And more importantly, who decides what should “fit” into the newspapers and what simply doesn’t merit a spot? There is a vast pool of stories floating around that people may find extremely important, but the big editors in large cities at their desks do not. gives writers the opportunity to write about world events, sports, storms, and so much more. There is no amount of limited space that the internet can hold, enabling writers to speak out and write about every important idea, event or occurrence they feel is worth writing about. Newswire contains limitless amounts of information that the daily newspapers can only aspire to compete. Instead of reading or writing about the large world events that big newscasters and papers are reporting, read and write about everything on the Newswire site. is a new social network for writers and journalists alike. With a building reputation with a vast, wide variety of stories, Newswire can easily overtake the leading news networks. Completely online, Newswire ensures the quality of their writing very closely. You won’t find just a daily blogger or an average writer with a bad sense of what’s important writing for this site. You can rest assured that Newswire chooses their writers carefully with solid consideration to a person’s writing level as well as their worthiness in article ideas.
So how do you join and become a Newswire reporter? It’s actually quite simple. As mentioned, the company has a building reputation and would like it to keep growing, therefore, not just anyone is given access to their sources or the right to write for their site. First off, similar to most newspapers and most magazines, you must submit sample writing. Five articles are requested of your choosing on any topics you like; these five writing samples will allow the Newswire team to take a look at the quality of your writing skills and have an insight into what it is you feel compelled to write about. What a person writes can be revealing to their characters and what they feel is important. Ensure you don’t submit mediocre, boring articles. If you haven’t written any you feel won’t merit for the site, go out and write some that are.
Once your articles have been reviewed, the decision is made as to whether or not your writing can uphold the rigorous and expected work of Newswire writers. From there, if accepted, you must sign a pledge, similar to any news organization to maintain ethicality and codes of conduct. This pledge serves to uphold Newswire’s standards as well as ensure readers, writers, and other news organizations the quality of the writing and not just an avid blogger, but a professional journalist wrote the article.
Along with agreeing and signing the Newswire pledge, reporters receive a colored badge that will gain them certain access to press releases, conferences, and whatever else is being reported if needed. This badge also contains a 1-800 number that anyone can call to verify that a Newswire member is reporting for the news site and is legit in saying who they are; this badge is sure to make your hard work pay off.
Newswire members also rise in the ranks the more they write and through the experience that they gain. Members are avid, professional journalists that deserve privileges the company feels worth giving them. Such ranks include “associate,” “senior associate,” and “bureau chief.” These ranks reflect plenty about each writer through promotions and their articles. They also enable members to rise in the writing chain and gain solid credentials with access to more pressing news that a journalist with no experience wouldn’t be given access to.
There are many other benefits to joining Newswire than just the writers; even small businesses who feel that their news is worth being written about and Newswire readers benefit. As a writer for Newswire, you can become a credited journalist who writes for a building news company. You can finally write about what is going on in the world around you and local or state events you wouldn’t have otherwise known about. With limitless knowledge at a person’s fingertips on the internet, newspapers and other sources of print based news is slowly dying out. The new age of the technology is taking over and with it comes information newspapers, news stations and even magazine don’t feel merit a place in their paper. Newswire is the place to get the news you want on everything.