Women’s Haven™️ Guyana Participates in Coss Cutter Supermarket Anniversary Event

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Women’s Haven™️ Guyana, operated by Women’s Haven Executive Distributor, Lexann McPhoy, of Lexann’s Nail Creations, is pleased to announce that it will be participating in the Coss Cutter Supermarket Anniversary event on June 21st, 2023, at Cost Cutter’s Farm, East Bank Demerara Location.

Women’s Haven™️ Guyana, operated by Women’s Haven Executive Distributor, Lexann McPhoy, of Lexann’s Nail Creations, is pleased to announce that it will be participating in the Coss Cutter Supermarket Anniversary event on June 21st, 2023, at Cost Cutter’s Farm, East Bank Demerara Location. Women’s Haven Guyana is inviting interested parties to have a one-on-one discussion about how they can benefit from the Women’s Haven line of organic feminine care products.

Interested parties for the one-on-one discussions should WhatsApp +592-622-2822 or +592-618-0644 to arrange a private conversation. Additional information is available at the website https://lexannnsi.com/womens-haven-organic?blogcategory=Feminine+Care

Participants at the event will be able to see Women’s Haven product absorbency demos, have the opportunity to win prizes, and benefit from product discounts.

“Being part of this event is a unique opportunity to engage with customers and the public to provide education on the benefits of Women’s Haven products. Women’s Haven Guyana believes in promoting healthy organic products and looks forward to enlightening more women about this,” states Lexann McPhoy, Executive Distributor of Women’s Haven™️ Guyana.

About Women’s Haven™️

Women’s Haven is an organic health and wellness company that offers products designed to offer women a more natural and sustainable solution for their monthly cycles. The products are gentle on the skin and reduce the risk of irritation, inflammation, and other health issues. Women’s Haven engages in social outreach to raise awareness of the dangers of toxic traditional sanitary pads and tampons. Women’s Haven believes that when the community Educates a Woman.. the community Empowers a Nation.

About Lexann’s Nail Creations

Lexann’s Nail Creations is Georgetown’s best kept secret for beauty and wellness. The Company’s focus is simple: excellent products and great customer service. Lexann’s Nail Creations is rated highly as the go-to destination for indulging in a soothing spa day or adding extra glamour an upcoming special occasion. The salon uses the NSI brand of nail products exclusively. NSI products are made to the highest USA, UK, and European standards; they are eco-friendly; and all the ingredients are disclosed. Clients know that the salon places their health and wellness above a quick transaction. Savvy clients should choose Lexann’s Nail Creations, which also serves clients for The TLC Guy Store.

Source: https://newswire.net/newsroom/pr/00000000-https-lexannnsi-com-womens-haven-organic.html