Terra Fresh recently launched Terra Fresh Home and Garden, an all natural and organic amendment fertilizer that can solve common tomato gardening problems, such as tomato leaves turning yellow and brown.
Terra Fresh announced the launch of Terra Fresh Home and Garden, a new soil amendment fertilizer. This all natural and organic product can prevent tomato leaves from turning yellow, brown or getting spots.
More information can be found at https://terrafreshhome.com
The newly launched Terra Fresh Home and Garden soil fertilizer aims to provide gardeners with a safe and affordable way to keep their tomato plants green and beautiful.
Yellowing leaves on tomato plants can be the results of numerous factors such as under or over-watering, nutrient deficiencies, pests or possible diseases transmitted through these pests. However, proper soil amendment and good plant care practices can help keep one’s plants healthy and green.
Terra Fresh Home and Garden is a natural and organic product that maximizes soil quality. This natural soil amendment increases the beneficial microbial populations and activity in the soil, helping plants feed more efficiently and resist disease better.
In addition, by breaking down nutrients and minerals into a form tomato plants can use more effectively, Terra Fresh Home and Garden ensures that tomato plants produce more tomatoes. The product also solves other common tomato gardening problems, including tomatoes rotting on the vine before they get ripe, slow ripening and poor harvests.
Terra Fresh Home and Garden has no artificial preservatives but can last for up to 2 years if cared for as directed. It is completely natural and plant based and does not contain manure, fish products or chemicals.
This new soil fertilizer also comes with a 6-month money-back guarantee.
A satisfied client said: “I only planted one tomato plant this year. It was a special variety that I planted in a compost bin. I applied Terra Fresh as soon as I planted the seedling and it is flourishing. The bin is 5 feet by 5 feet and the plant has filled out all the way to the edges. The tomatoes are plentiful and they are starting to turn red.”
Interested parties can find more by visiting the above-mentioned website.