(Newswire.net — May 25, 2015) Rogersville, MO –The YuckLight is a compact ultraviolet flashlight that can make stains such as pet urine, that are not visible to the naked eye glow in the dark. The YuckLight can also help users see rodents or scorpions which are also more easily visible with a black light. The YuckLight can be used at home or in a hotel room to determine cleanliness.
Pet odors can be difficult to detect and with the YuckLight, users will be able to identify the location of the pet stain responsible for the odor. Cats typically urinate in a spray pattern along walls, while dogs tend to urinate in the corner of a room. Pet urine stains will appear dull yellow or yellow-green in color.
Created by a stay at home mom of two teenagers, the inventor of the YuckLight was tired of embarrassing pet odors and scorpion infestations in various apartments and homes she had lived in. After spending extreme amounts of time on their knees sniffing out stubborn odors, cleaning, disinfecting and replacing carpeting, the idea for the YuckLight was born. According to the YuckLight website, “The YuckLight can help you accomplish your healthy lifestyle goals by opening your eyes to the unseen ‘yuck’ that is out there in our homes and hotels.”
The YuckLight can also be used for discovering bodily fluid on furniture, pillows, toilets or walls in hotel rooms. Food spills that might have gone unnoticed can also be seen through the glow of the YuckLight. Another use for the YuckLight is identifying counterfeit money. U.S. currency contains a fluorescent strip that will prove its authenticity and can be seen with the YuckLight.
The YuckLight can be purchased through amazon.com or on yucklights.com via Paypal for $19.95. Visitors to the new website can enter their email address for a 10 percent off instant savings coupon.
About Yuck Lights
The Yucklight UV Blacklight Flashlight is the finest little light on the market. The Yucklight will help you find the Yucky stuff you need to find. It finds pet urine and those unmentionable stains you don’t want in your hotel room. It also can detect counterfeit money and find those hidden scorpions so you don’t step on them. Yuck!