Here Is How We Can Prepare Our Children for Wearing Braces

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( — October 18, 2018) — When you are a kid, you always find reasons to make fun of your friends or schoolmates. If you wear braces, you can easily become the target of ironies and, for this reason, most children are not crazy about the idea of wearing them.

Experts from the medical field say that, in fact, orthodontic treatments are not such ”scary monsters”. Of course, it’s not easy to convince your child that it’s in his/her best interest to wear braces, but if you take some time to prepare the little one before having the ”accessory” installed, things will get easier.

Orthodontics will get your child a beautiful smile and increased self-confidence, but the path towards this goal is long and complicated. However, kids can understand its importance and learn to live with it. You contribution is very important and here is what you can do:

  1. Talk to your kids and try to help them imagine what their experience would be like

Once they hear that they will have to wear braces, children feel nervous about this idea. The fitting process is among the longest periods they will ever spend on a dentist chair, so it’s normal to worry about pain and discomfort.

You can talk to your offspring and convince him or her that there is nothing to be worried about. If they experience painful periods during the first days since braces are fitted, you can help the kid with pain killers (for example, Panadol, Nurofen).

  1. You can figure out which the best treatment option is by discussing with your child

Your orthodontist can tell you which the best treatment option for your child is. After you hear the specialist’s recommendation, you can talk to your child and find the best solution together. The most popular variant when it comes to children and teens is metal braces, especially because nowadays they can choose a favourite colour.

  1. It’s advisable to eat soft foods during the first few days with braces

The fitting process is not painful, but kids might feel a little discomfort at first. In this case, you can feed them with soft foods like pasta, mashed potato, yoghurt and others. If the braces start to rub and cause a sore mouth, you can contribute with some chilled foods.

  1. Orthodontic wax is very useful

Like we mentioned before, braces might irritate the inside of the mouth. In this case, orthodontic wax is highly recommendable. You can easily apply it at home, but the orthodontist will tell you more about it and will provide as much as you want for free.

  1. Always concentrate on the benefits of wearing braces

Most people need to wear the braces for a year or two. This could mean a lot for a kid, but you can help by reminding that this temporary measure will bring a perfect smile. Be supportive and your child won’t have a hard time while wearing braces.