Boris Johnson Becomes Prime Minister After Landslide Win

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( — December 16, 2019) — After a hard-fought campaign, Friday morning (GMT) saw Boris Johnson and the Conservative party win the general election by a landslide, meaning that Boris Johnson shall be the Prime Minister in the UK for another 5 years. 

The Conservative party gained 47 seats in parliment, bringing their total up to 365 seats in the house of commons. This victory is the biggest for the Conservatives since 1987.

The night also signified a masive loss for the Labour party, who lost 59 of their seats. It was the biggest Labour defeat since 1935, with Jeremy Corbyn being placed at the centre of the blame. It is now believed that Jeremy Corbyn will resign after his defeat, and he has apologised for his ‘catastrophic’ loss. Both he and his shadow chancellor, John Mcdonnell, have said that they will resign in the new year.

So what happens now for the Conservatives?

Now the Conservatives have succesfully got into parliment, it remains to be seen whether they will keep their campaign promises up. 

Here is what the Conservatives have promised they will do:

  • Achieve Brexit by the end of January.
  • £20.5bn additional funding for the NHS by 2024.
  • 50 million more GP appointments and 50,000 more nurses.
  • 20,000 more police officers. 
  • No rise in Income tax, National Insurance contributions or VAT.
  • Introduce an Australian-style points-based immigration system, which treats everyone equally regardless of where they come from.
The main selling point of the Conservatives policies is that they have ensured the nation that they will achieve Brexit by the 31st January 2020. This is perhaps what led to the labour party losing so many seats, as many previous labour areas that turned Conservative voted to leave the European union. 
Parliment is now in session after the Queen re-opended parliment with a speech yesterday. In her speech, she outlined the Conservatives plans. 
Time will tell if the Conservatives keep up their promises after the election.