How to Improve Customer Service?

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( — January 6, 2020) — Customer service starts by accompanying all visitors throughout their navigation, order, delivery, and of course, after receiving their package or using the service. Generating data to understand and anticipate the expectations and needs of visitors is a mission of customer service. The data collected is only amplified in volumes with the digital tools that are available in the modern era to support businesses in a deep and analytical look at their audience and markets. When a company decides to exploit this data, they can open a real gold mine for sales and social marketing.

The digital era has become the rise and fall for many companies as they are forced to adapt to the new age of business practices. Social media platforms are ground-zero for customer relationships, shaping the experience of current customers who engage with your platforms and influencing the view of potential clients and customers who simply view your content. Many use social media accounts to build a public brand image and communicate the values of their company, which in turn attracts new customers and reinforces messaging. Social Marketing is a fairly new field in which metrics are changing every month making it near impossible to establish a perfect method. Rather companies are focusing on what is the perfect method for their audience and what has the most impact regardless of medium. 

Remaining engaged with your audience through social marketing methods builds bonds and opens up opportunities for new leads and possible sales. Brand advocates, or customers that have interacted with your brand and are vocal about their positive experience, are your most valuable resource and require no additional effort on your end. Social media segregates accounts into bubbles with their varying interests, demographics, and preferences, and the success of social marketing is the maintenance of brand ambassadors amongst various bubbles. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram practice this method and are open platforms that put you at the mercy of the internet and all the positive and negative that can come with it. In addition to this, those that perceive your brand to maintain open lines of communication are more likely to address issues with your customer service representatives rather than voicing their unfavorable opinions online.

To optimize your customer relationship, you can set up a CRM tool as the central point of the knowledge of your customers. This tool makes it possible to gather and enrich data on customers, by analyzing their tastes, the interactions they had with the page, which products they have already ordered, or what the previous exchanges with the company are. Tools such as Hubspot, SalesForce, and NetSuite each provide their advantages and features that will cater to the specific method in which you use the CRM tools. Call center companies in the Philippines implement methods to collect and analyze information on their clients and the minutia of their daily lives and habits. This knowledge offers a real opportunity to develop a personalized relationship, and therefore, to provide much better customer experience, and to put in place appropriate marketing strategies. You can use a marketing staffing agency if you need to find new marketing experts who are usually well-versed in the art of implementing CRM data into company wording.

For the CRM strategy to be effective, you must have data, and this data must be generated. There are several methods to collect data in the modern era: web-based analytic tools, cookies, trackers, social media, and even customer accounts. Tools like G-Suite and Hootsuite integrated with your website and social media can collect and generate valuable business data. Value from these tools is amplified in their capacity to sort, organize and intuitively present the data. Less time reading spreadsheets and more time implementing adaptations leads to a successful department. The CRM strategy is a continuous cycle that works to monitor every aspect of customer interactions, and with it, trust is built between customer and company over time. Understanding how customers have engaged with the company in the past grants insight for future engagements and allow for further data on customers to be generated locally. Tools like an integrated chat also allow you to collect and generate valuable business data. Indeed, when a visitor dialogues with one of your staff members, the tracking will collect information on the visitor’s navigation to be able to understand his situation. Concretely, you will be able to know which pages are consulted on the site, and the products for which they have expressed an interest. The data will have a high value as they allow knowing the behavior of the visitor on your site. A chat window coupled with a CRM offers real opportunities to humanize the customer relationship and greatly increase its quality. Customer knowledge makes it possible to envisage a much more personalized and streamlined customer experience.

CRM strategies are reliant on data, both the collecting and analytics of it, as are many other strategies across a majority of customer service and business in general. Customer service is a job that comes with a degree of unpredictability, but corporations have many ways to combat this one of which, Buyer Personas, has been implemented by marketing and sales departments for years to identify the ideal customer. Identifying the ideal customers forms the framework for interaction, both in brand messaging and client relationships affording your company to determine where to focus the most time and effort to attract and cater to the most valuable customers. Buyer personas can help tailor the wording you use with clients while simultaneously providing a framework for mass data collected from online interactions and market research. Above all else, it humanizes the general audience that your company is seeking and encourages empathy in communications regardless if it is marketing materials, customer service interactions or a sales pitch. 

Email is the cornerstone of modern business, connecting companies, clients, and customers, yet so many fail to utilize it to its full potential. IN most cases it is often the route that many customers chose to use when there is an issue that needs to be resolved. Whatever your company offers, whether it is a service or a product, engaging with customers and clients throughout every stage of their experience is crucial to prosperous relationships. A majority of major businesses’ communication is done through email and this includes help tickets from the company’s website. The rate at which tickets are being closed positively is monitored and logged by most companies only adding to CRM data. Using data collected from CRM tools and given that your company has created a detailed buyer persona, will ease the initial outreach, provide insight on how to convert potential interest to business, and provide team members with a deep understanding of your customers. Outreach through email is simple, low-cost, and low-effort while maintaining unity in brand image and messaging.

The tools and strategies talked about above are primarily external enhancements that require one common trait to be effective, efficient, and effortless. Humanizing your customer service approach is the number one vital key to encapsulating your customers and communicating your brand’s message. Allowing marketing and customer service departments intersect to share data and knowledge creates a well-educated staff of representatives, and knowledge is power in business. Marketing and Customer Service intersect often due to the technological nature of business practices and ensuring quality and consistency between the two is the determinant of success. The age of automation has left a yearn for empathy in consumers, amidst the automated messages and spam filters connecting with customers is easier than many realize. Viewing your consumers as humans no matter the scale at which your business operates is fundamental to providing customer service that leaves a mark.