The Ultimate Guide on Using Technological Innovation in Education

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( — March 22, 2021) — On many occasions, there are assertions against social media and spending too much time on computer screens. Many people fail to consider the advantages of incorporating technology in our daily lives, especially when it comes to learning. When properly used, technology has proved to improve education systems around the world.    

In recent years, the use of new technologies in classrooms has increased tremendously. Although the traditional pencil-and-paper methods are still prevalent, many learning institutions embrace various technologies to help students learn efficiently

Using technology in education increases teacher and student productivity by accelerating learning, better time management, and reducing costs related to program delivery and instruction materials. Below are some ways to use technology in education:   

  1. Augmented and Virtual Learning Experiences

One of the most popular and most useful technological tools used in education is Augmented and Virtual reality. Thanks to VR and AR, learners receive a fully immersive and customized learning experience without requiring any movement. Here are some of their advantages: 

  • Virtual school field trips: Teachers and an experienced essay helper can use applications, like Google Expeditions, to organize a virtual school trip. Thus, students view various geographical or historical destinations worldwide instead of just reading about them in textbooks.  
  • Training: Whether it is professional, corporate, or communication training, VR can definitely come in handy. Similarly, medical students learning about anatomy can use VR and AR as innovative methods to understand the body system.  
  • Facilitates distant learning: VR and AR put the teacher and the learner in a similar environment to facilitate distant learning. This technology creates a digital representation of them, enabling teachers to appear in the VR world when they need to guide their students.          
  1. Gamified Learning

Gamified learning is another excellent tool that increases education productivity among students. It involves using a simple yet engaging game to teach a complex concept. For instance, you can create a virtual scavenger hunt that requires your students to answer specific questions to achieve a goal or gain a prize. 

You can also opt to pair or group your students to encourage teamwork and collaboration, essential career development skills. Teachers can also use typing games to teach students how to type faster and more carefully. Find games that are engaging and invoke plenty of fun among your students to keep them interested.

  1. Use Social Media

It is a well-known fact that students spend more time on social media platforms than adults do. Thus, finding a way to use various social media platforms in education can be extremely beneficial for teachers. You may opt to create a WhatsApp or Facebook page for your students specifically, where they can engage in multiple discussion topics. 

You can also create a hashtag and encourage your students to tweet homework, presentations, inquiries, or academic doubts on these platforms. Ensure you interact with your students on these platforms to keep them entertained and interested to keep up with what is going on. With this method, even your shy students can have a chance to ask questions and engage with you about any questions or materials they have.      

  1. Create Online Class Schedules

Online classrooms, like Schoology and Google Classroom, allow instructors to organize their class calendars efficiently. They also enable students to access various class materials easily through cloud computing systems. Thus, you can keep your students informed about important dates, classes, and assignment due dates in one convenient location, ensuring they are informed and engaged at all times.

Email your students the class calendar’s hyperlink to organize and prepare themselves for each class.           

  1. Use Learning Analytics

Teachers can receive learning analytics from their students to assess their teaching techniques and address any issues experienced. Create weekly or daily polls and online surveys to check in with your students, get their feedback on lessons, and address some of their concerns. You can also use Twitter hashtags as students can tweet their queries, feedback, and issues using a classroom hashtag.

Similarly, you can also use learning analytics to give personalized feedback on your student’s academic work. Through videos, teachers and students can share their opinion about a specific assignment, allowing more room for engagement and healthy interaction. You can also encourage your students to use Google Forms to create quizzes, polls, or forms related to the academic activities.

Final Thoughts on How to Use Technology in Education

Technology is a powerful tool that can improve education in many ways. As a result, teachers need to adopt a holistic approach to it as it can transform the educational experiences of parents, teachers, and students for the better while improving overall academic outcomes. However, you have to use technology in education in tandem with skilled and planned-out instructions to ensure maximum effectiveness.