Natanya Wachtel: The Power of Individual Breakthroughs (and How To Achieve More of Them)

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( — February 23, 2023) — Surveys reveal that 80 percent of Americans admit to being stuck in a regular routine — and 42 percent feel that this has a constricting, limiting impact on their lives. The idea of being “stuck in a rut” is hardly unique, yet many people struggle to break out of the same old habits and routines. Indeed, it takes the average person only 32 days to give up on their New Year’s resolutions.

As Dr. Natanya Wachtel, who has 20 years of leadership experience in mental, physical, and spiritual wellness explains, this cycle of falling into the same routine and getting trapped in a rut can keep individuals from achieving the breakthroughs that power lasting change. But with the right approach, individual breakthroughs are more doable than one might expect.

What Are Individual Breakthroughs?

“An individual breakthrough is a moment when you are able to change the course of your life,” Wachtel explains.

“This isn’t a temporary change where things ‘go back to normal’ after a few weeks or months. It is a permanent, lasting change that has a profound impact on what you are able to accomplish and even the overall direction of your life. Think of how breakthroughs in science and technology can permanently revolutionize industries — the same thing can happen on a personal level.”

The comparison to science and technology breakthroughs is especially apt because it illustrates an important point — such achievements don’t happen by accident, nor do they occur overnight. They require a fair amount of effort, often over an extended period of time. But when they are achieved, they can have a tremendous impact.

What Makes Individual Breakthroughs So Powerful?

“All too often, we tell ourselves harmful stories that keep us from reaching our full potential,” says Wachtel.

“Whether we’re telling ourselves that we’re not good enough or skilled enough to follow our dreams, or that we need a miracle to become successful, we often take a passive approach to life. The simple process of trying to achieve an individual breakthrough allows us to take ownership and become more proactive. Regardless of the outcome, we are far more likely to achieve meaningful change and start telling ourselves the right stories — the ones that lead to success.”

It doesn’t matter what the specific goal might be — the work that goes into achieving it and reaching that “breakthrough” point is often a powerful learning experience in and of itself that changes an individual’s attitude and approach to life. Achieving a breakthrough can leave you better equipped to handle new challenges in life thanks to the new skills you’ve acquired.

How to Achieve More Breakthroughs In Your Life

Achieving breakthroughs isn’t necessarily easy. They require a lot of work — and often a fair amount of setbacks along the way. Indeed, the Harvard Business Review notes the power and importance of celebrating small wins to ensure you experience a sense of progress along the way. Celebrating small wins can improve your feelings and performance as you work toward a breakthrough. A focus on everyday improvements is key in driving progress.

Wachtel recommends finding a deeper why behind the breakthroughs you wish to achieve. “Understanding your fundamental goals and passions can help provide the guidepost that you need when working toward a breakthrough. They can help you create your vision of what you want your future ‘ideal life’ to look like. By writing down this vision and committing to a standard for what you want your life to become, you can immediately start pushing yourself to reach that higher standard.”

Of course, turning this vision into reality requires a focused strategy. But with so many different possible types of breakthroughs that one could achieve, there’s not an easy way to prescribe a “one size fits all” approach to achieving individual breakthroughs. Changing your mindset to recognize small wins and having a clear “why” or vision are essential steps, but what about the actions that help you get there?

The good news is that for most desired breakthroughs, you’re hardly the first person to try to achieve them. As Tony Robbins notes, there are hundreds (and sometimes even thousands) of strategies for personal breakthroughs like losing weight. Many of these strategies are even proven to work. The problem occurs when people use the wrong strategy for their needs, and they hold themselves back by telling disempowering stories.

Regardless of your background, you must critically evaluate your core beliefs to ensure they aren’t preventing you from attempting the strategies that will be most effective for reaching your individual breakthroughs. With a proactive ownership mindset, you will be more willing to test and refine strategies until you find one where consistent effort will lead to the desired breakthrough.

A Cycle of Improvement

“With the right strategy, you never have to feel like you’re stuck,” Wachtel says.

“Whether you’re seeking to advance in your career, restore your physical health, or improve your social life, finding your way and embracing small wins will help you implement positive change that lasts. When this happens, you’ll be able to achieve the breakthroughs that matter most to you.”

By making these practices and mindset a core part of your life, you can permanently escape the rut as you constantly find new ways to improve.