Bowe Bergdahl, Missing U.S. soldier, appears in video

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( — January 15, 2014)  — Bowe was captured in Afghanistan in June 2009 and is considered used by the Taliban-aimed Haqqani network in Pakistan, the official said.

The alleged evidence-of-existence clip, the first it’s been seen in nearly three years, has a guide to Dec 1-4, 2013. has not noticed the video.
The system has contacted Bergdahl’s family, which last year received a letter from him via the Red Cross.
U.S. attempts to free Bergdahl, including negociating for his release, have so far neglected.

“We can not discuss every detail of our efforts, but there should be no question that on a daily basis — utilizing our military, intelligence and diplomatic instruments — we function to view Sgt. Bergdahl returned home safely,” the spokesman said.
Bergdahl was 2 3 when he was caught after concluding a guard shift at a fight outpost in south eastern Paktika state.
The united states government admitted in-may 2012 that it was participated in discussions with the Taliban to free Bergdahl.
After that year, nevertheless, the White House declared it was willing to deliver five Taliban criminals to Qatar as a swap for Bergdahl.
The discourses moved in fits and begins because of U.S. concerns that any Taliban prisoners swapped for Bergdahl might be repatriated and enabled to rejoin the fight.

