MedTrakker as Part of Multifaceted Treatment

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Cancer is a broad category of category of illnesses that can have dramatic effects on an individual’s ability to function physiologically, emotionally, occupationally, and socially. Given the complex nature of cancer, people living with and fighting cancer are referred to multiple specialists and focusing on interventions for multiple body systems; in addition to multiple chemical interventions, appointments, and orders for lifestyle changes. All of these issues are chaotic enough, not to mention draining, but then being responsible for the management of the information and advocating for the best medical care can be overwhelming.

MedTrakker – Cancer Medical Organizer is one of the multiple interventions that a person fighting against or surviving with cancer can utilize to assure every detail is accounted for, every measure implemented correctly, and every physician’s order is coordinated with the entirety of the interdisciplinary medical team. When my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer we knew the reality of our financial situation was such that I and my step-father would have to continue working to support the family through this process. Accordingly, responsibility for transportation, planning, and implementation of various aspects of her medical care would go through a constant rotation between various members of the family. At that time, we were all using out own method of note keeping and trying to translate that information to the other responsible parties, with no method of standardization or even a single location to store information.

When my Grandmother was diagnosed with lethal colon cancer, we began to assist her with the difficult process of managing new medications and scheduling important appointments—not only for her but for the elderly husband she was leaving behind. MedTrakker is the method by which a family can assure that the best possible care is occurring for the ones we love. The stress and emotional turmoil that initially emerges from a serious diagnosis can cloud the ability to recall questions, concerns, or fears. MedTrakker provides materials to assist at every level of the experience. From instructional materials for understanding medical jargon and test results to ideas for appropriate nutritional support. The treatment of serious medical problems does not and cannot exist in a singular domain.

MedTrakker aligns with the most progressive views of how to interact with a cancer diagnosis in a proactive and effective way. The biopsychosocial model of medical intervention assumes that medical care comes from physicians and specialists, in addition to family support, stress reduction, positive attitude, and maintaining a sense of control over one’s body and mind. MedTrakker takes these principles and secures that with real world guides to common experiences. Side effects to medication and treatment can be an entire process unto itself and requires careful documentation, which is in turn communicated to the medical professionals charged with your care. In the MedTrakker medication side effects section, patients can record what side effects are being experienced and reference common management techniques of those side effects.

The American Cancer Association estimates that 766,130 men and 713,220 women will be diagnosed with cancer in the year 2009. Of those who have been diagnosed with cancer in 2009, the American Cancer Society estimates that 292,540 men and 269,800 women with die as a result. Cancer accounts for 23% of the total deaths in the United States of America, second only to heart disease. This information clearly shows that in our lifetime we will likely be touched by cancer, whether it is in ourselves, in our spouse, our significant other, our parents, or our friends—likely even in multiple domains. We cannot live in fear or assume that cancer is inevitable, but we can make sure that everyone is aware of the resources available to them. After important decisions like, “what hospital will I go to?” and “what doctors will I be seeing?”, important decisions must be made with regards to the strategy by which we will manage the flood of information. MedTrakker is a strategy. It is a coordination and support tool to make sure that you or your loved one remain in control of a very powerful aspect of health and wellness—assisting to maintain your control over information.

Another aspect of the MedTrakker tool is the assistance it provides with regards to working with insurance companies. After being diagnosed with cancer, you must be an advocate for yourself which means understanding your unique insurance situation and assuring that you are receiving the best possible care and limiting the financial hardship that will result. Management of medical issues goes beyond making sure physiological systems are seen and addressed, it includes advocating for your life before, during, and after the diagnosis of cancer. MedTracker is a tool for this coordination and a part of the total process of care. No matter what type, what severity, what location, or what stage, cancer requires multifaceted care coordination, planning, and record keeping. While this process can occur on a simple pen and paper, there are resources that exist to not only accomplish this basic process, but also to act as a resource guide to provide information that elicits a sense of positivity, emotional support and organization.

There is no known single answer or treatment for cancer, but what we do know is that being organized and prepared with information is a great step in the process of dealing with, working with, surviving with, and treating cancer.