A Greener Texas Means a Brighter Future

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Texas stands at the brink of opportunity, the very praesepes of innovations vast expanse. In the worrisome period leading up to the breakout of World War II, the United States lifted unbelievable obstacles to turn pedestrian manufacturing into a war production machine that overcome all her mighty enemies. It is this energy of spirit that should be raised as a standard in Texas in creating a new energy economy, a new economy that will create jobs.

A crisis grows in Texas as it does across the entire United States, a crisis created on the belief that fossil fuels are sustainable and that these fuel sources represent an acceptable environmental and health risk to each of us. What if the same vigorous drive marshaled to alter the manufacturing line in the 1940s from producing sedans to producing tanks was enacted now? The result would see a new world with coal burning plants becoming a thing of the past and new clean energy solutions replacing these dinosaurs.

The change from high emission power generation facilities does not mean fewer Texas jobs. Texas currently rates second in the U.S. in green energy production. But the belief that green energy can fuel jobs is missing. In the 70s when IBM introduced the first PC, followed quickly by Apple, the technology giant never predicted that the small home use computers would replace their large mainframe systems. They were right. Instead, the home PC market exploded and with it, thousands of new jobs, industries, and markets. The same can be true with green energy, if Texas sees the opportunity to be leader in the current vacuum of energy leadership.

Texas has long been the energy leader in the United States and one of the largest energy consumers. Developing a bold plan could catapult Texas ahead of the nation and the world. The strategic priorities of this plan must include an approach to building an energy architecture. An energy architecture is a high level design of how all the energy components will fit together. Research and Development from areas business and academia will be critical for developing new green energy products. Manufacturing will be critical for the creation of these products. Also included in the plan will be the design of an adequate delivery and transmission system to distribute the new energy created. Finally, an implementation plan will be created to bring these new green energy devices to every home and business.

Every aspect of this plan will create new jobs. The plan will also create an exciting future for Texas as the possibilities are limitless. Solar energy can be installed on every rooftop and these panels can be compact and cheap based on new advanced development technologies. Coal burning plants can be changed to no longer pollute streams and cities by being decommissioned or being turned into zero emissions plants, all a result of the new technologies created from the plan.