CEOSpace Susie Carder the Business Systems Expert

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With 20 years of experience working with people in the corporate world, lighting areas in their lives and business that are blocking the progress needed to reach the top levels has made Susie Carder the business systems expert. Her amazing talent is to relate to the decision makers and leaders in business who can make a difference in how their businesses are run. Following the same path will not get you to a different place. New perspectives, understanding relationships, loving what you are doing will all add up to profitably managing your business.

Susie Carder is the business systems expert because she knows there is more to life than business. She can build a company culture that thrives because she will make sure the people involved are not missing out on life. New perspectives in hiring and firing, for systems that work, making every relationship succeed with integrity based individuals. She will analyze a business from an all inclusive perspective, not just a one dimensional systems management program. For those who would like to get to the next level in their business or even in their life and are enthusiastic to know all that life has to offer, Susie’s analysis of their business will be a great revelation.

Considered a leading expert in the field of business management she is an award winning author and speaker. From her base in San Diego she has clients from around the world who value her ability to highlight and refocus their human resources. Through systematizing processes and driven by results she helps companies build teamwork, manage cash flow and, above all, increase profitability.

She knows how to take control of problem areas for solutions based performance criteria. Her focus is on customer objectives and creates results oriented teams in all kinds of endeavors including small businesses, private practices, distribution centers, retail establishments and global businesses. Companies need systematizing and developing to be ready for capital investment strategies. This is the way businesses grow and is where she has extensive experience.

Susie will design a program that is unique to your business. First she understands your personal needs and corporate culture, and then focuses on your optimum success. It will be clear to here if your company needs a business coach, seminar leader or possibly the right keynote speaker. Her enthusiasm touches every level and creates motivation, action plans and results never seen before. Along with time management and how to build trust and rapport with every client she takes up health and well being, and bringing out the greatness in every human being. It is this extraordinary technique that has made her loved by each of her clients.

Susie has built and sold successful, profitable and thriving businesses and she can bring that expertise to your company, foundation or enterprise to give it the chance to be the best it can be.

CEO Space, Inc.,  founded by Berny Dohrmann, a best-selling author, radio show host and economic visionary.  CEOSpace,  boasts an innovative model for fostering cooperation instead of competition among business leaders, providing five annual trade shows for their lifetime members where the focus is on resolving issues through consultation and concentration on mutual interests. At any one of CEO Space’s week long retreats, members have access to a host of experts from all over the world who will share their experience and their business savvy in the spirit of confidentiality and mentoring. Members can attend seminars with titles like Mentor Mixing, Brain Tithing, Super Niche Marketing and Time Management. CEO Space is often used as an exceptional employee reward plan, and tax deductible group tuition encourages companies to send their best and brightest to get a “software upgrade in business leadership.”

CEO Space designs their retreats to make the most of a busy executive’s valuable time, and divides meetings into ninety minute intervals so members can still ‘run the empire’ while participating in the workshops and seminars. CEO Space’s trade shows run from Tuesday morning through Sunday noon. Members are encouraged to bring their families and a teen entrepreneur and study aide program is offered concurrently with the adult programs. CEO Space also has university affiliated curriculum for senior management with 350 corporate trainers and major law firms on faculty. CEO Space claims endorsements by the following well-known experts in corporate training: Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker and author of “Awaken The Giant Within;” Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, co-creators of the bestselling series “Chicken Soup for the Soul;” Bob Proctor, who was featured in “The Secret” and wrote “The Science of Getting Rich;” Lisa Nichols, CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit and author of “No Matter What” and was also featured in “The Secret;” Dr. Jeff Magee of “Performance Magazine;” Jill Lublin, a professional self-promotion expert; Jane Whilhite, co-founder of PSI World; Dr. John Gray, bestselling author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus;” Ron Zeller, creator and co-presenter of “Winning The Second Half;” T. Harv Eker, bestselling author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind;” and Rick Frishman, founder of Planned Television Arts.