From Manuscript to Money, The Business Opportunity of Turning You Into a Best Selling Author

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Writers of all types can simply not afford to miss this most serendipitous opportunity. Make your book into a business that works for you. Waiting for someone to create an opportunity for you to publish your work is as unrealistic as it feels. Learn to self-publish and profit off of a work you have poured your soul into.

Visit– specifically URL– to see just what here is being discussed. Bill Gladstone, accomplished writer and literary agent, is accompanied by a panel of other successful writers that join to show you how to create your own business opportunity out your most invaluable work, your inspiration, your life. Your success awaits. All you must do is gather the pearls of wisdom from professionals who have succeeded in doing exactly what they will be teaching you to do. This Writer’s Extravaganza Event is the business opportunity of a lifetime, an investment that will reap rewards on not only your current work, but all your future works as well.

Knowledge is the most valuable of all commodities. That is what will be shared with you at this extravaganza event. Bill Gladstone most recently wrote a book entitled “The Twelve,” and will share with you the secrets of how to make your work work for your pocket. Writing is a spiritual, self-focused act, and all of us writers desire to share our insights with the rest of the world. This workshop shows us all how to publish our work without foregoing the integrity of its composition. That is what self-publishing is all about, and that is why this event, this business opportunity, cannot be in good conscience foregone by those who truly care about delivering their messages to the world.

Do not stand idly by and let short-sighted concerns stop you from gathering the tools you require to attain the success you deserve. Let your brilliance shine on readers from everywhere, not just your close friends and admirers. You know you are better than what you have constructed for yourself so far. Visit URL and see with your own eyes just what is being offered. This business opportunity to discuss the realization of the potential in your manuscript with professionals like Bill Gladstone is one that must be seized, and seized as any good writer would a fleeting moment of inspiration.