State of the Art Chiropractor Comes to Angelton Texas

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Newswire: Angelton Texas 

Bringing advanced Chiropractor technologies to rural America is Dr. Melissa Vrazel-Ramirez, a chiropractor, acupuncturist and wellness advocate with over 20 years of experience.  Practicing in a small, town of 18,000 in Angleton, Texas, Vrazel-Ramirez is a certified ProAdjustor doctor who utilizes computerized piezoelectric instrumentation in the treatment of back and neck pain.  This technology is used to assess and restore normal motion to the spine and other joints of the body.  This in turn restores health and integrity to the most important and vital system in the human body, the nervous system.   

31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time, and is sited as the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, out numbered only by upper respiratory infections.

Would most Americans be interested in more effective ways to treat the mechanical reasons for back pain and assist in the prevention of it in the future?   If there was a safe and more effective way to treat it would you want to know about it?  Well, there is and Dr. Melissa Vrazel-Ramirez has set the standard in bringing this advanced treatment of spinal conditions into the mainstream using the ProAdjuster technology.  

Why has Vrazel-Ramirez brought this technology to small town USA?  

She believes in providing the best possible care for her patients and considers the stellar results worth the investment.  It has enabled her to treat patients who had limited results due to debilitating conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.   This special technique has proven to be more effective with little to no discomfort to these types of patients. 

The results have been phenomenal, greater than expected for those, who had previously been treated by her using more traditional techniques.  These patients conceded the ProAdjuster treatments helped them have significantly less pain, greater range of motion, with results that last longer.

Vrazel-Ramirez has embraced the ProAdjuster  technology in her practice because she also found people who were hesitant about letting a trained doctor adjust their necks, and now they’re able to receive the treatment they need without fear of the unknown.  They are able to have an adjustment to their spine in a comfortable sitting position, in a chair much like a massage chair, with no twisting or popping of the neck or back.

The ProAdjuster is a gentle therapeutic as well as diagnostic instrument.  While treating a spinal segment the instrument oscillates between analyzing and treating the patient, giving immediate feedback on a monitor using sine waves.  This allows the doctor to discover where the aberrant motion is and more specifically, correct it.  When asked if there is a possibility of over treating the segment, Vrazel-Ramirez replies, “The computer counts the number of taps it takes to release the fixated segment. When it gets ten consecutive responses exactly the same, the computer turns itself off, so there is no over adjusting the spine.”

This technology is a breakthrough in natural chiropractic healing. It immediately gives the doctor and patient objective information of pre and post treatment for comparison.  The ProAdjuster is a perfect blend of traditional chiropractic principles with modern scientific advancements.  This marriage of technique with technology quantifies and validates the results patients have been receiving for decades through chiropractic care.

In addition to the ProAdjuster, Vrazel-Ramirez has incorporated another computerized technology, the Insight Millennium.  This technology helps to quantify the neurologic and orthopedic examination findings by measuring the electrical output of the nervous system using SEMG (surface electro muscle gram) to determine spinal levels of neurologic dysfunction.  The Insight

Millennium also uses ROM (range of motion) and thermal analysis as well.  The thermal scan allows the doctor and the patient to visualize the amount of heat given off which indicates normal or abnormal blood flow throughout the spine.  All of these test results help the doctor to develop the appropriate treatment plan to obtain the maximum results in the shortest time possible. 

Vrazel-Ramirez says these two technologies alone have taken her practice in to the 21st century, providing objective information to assist in making the proper treatment recommendations for patients which are comfortable, consistent and computerized.   

Let’s face it, people who don’t seek natural chiropractic care for neck or back pain, do so because they are afraid.  With ProAdjuster’s advanced technology there is nothing to fear and everything to gain.   This computerized method of restoring motion to the spine is fast, effective, gentle and FDA cleared.

With 31 million people suffering from back pain and only a few thousand doctors utilizing the ProAdjuster and the Insight Millennium, we foresee an increase in the need for chiropractors who utilize these types of technologies. 

Dr. Vrazel-Ramirez has created an abbreviated protocol for patients who would have to travel to seek her professional services.  She is conveniently located near Houston, Texas, where at The CARE Clinic, she can diagnose and treat the patient for three days, longer if necessary, then send them home with a treatment recommendation to follow up with a doctor she will help them find.

Dr. Vrazel-Ramirez’ website is  or call 979-848-1200 to speak to someone directly.  They have convenient office hours, 6 days a week.  Don’t put off any longer what can and should be taken care of today.  Give Dr. Vrazel-Ramirez, the ProAdjuster, a call today.