Chuck Vollmer’s Jobenomics: A Plan for America is an excellent read for all people to learn about the employment crisis and job creation. The book supports the 20 by 20 campaign, which aims to create 20 million new jobs by 2020. Jobenomics demonstrates what the campaign means and how to implement it in easy to read everyday language.
Well written and with a good flow from chapter to chapter, Jobenomics will cover everything from unemployment to financial instruments and US resources. This ebook is a continuous course of information on the economy and methods of creating jobs to reach the 2020 goal.
Everyone can and should read Jobenomics because it is ideal for policy makers, educators, economists, business owners and jobseekers alike. The information contained in this ebook is priceless, and it portrays the unemployment situation with the aim of restoring hope and giving practical ideas on recovery.
Vollmer includes a great deal of illustrations to better explain the crisis in job creation, which are essential to giving readers a better picture of the situation. The ebook uses only credible sources for its statistics and resources, particularly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as it is the most reliable and up-to-date source of information concerning unemployment in America. The author proceeds to interpret the data in the ebook right from the first chapter so that the rest of your reading experience is better and digestible.
Optimistic approach to job creation
Throughout the book, Vollmer supplies sobering facts about the current state of the American economy, but follows through with creative and practical solutions to this, reiterating that there is plenty of hope for the future.
There are suggestions for women entrepreneurs, churches and health care solutions among others, all of which are predicted to gain momentum if exploited effectively. The author presents definite options for job creation with such confidence in the American people to follow through with them. Jobenomics focuses on the private sector for new jobs, and with good reason, too.
The private sector holds the greatest potential for employment, as opposed to the public sector, which would require additional taxes that would burden the people. It is easier to increase job ranks in businesses, so that more jobs can be created at lower levels, and employees have the chance to rise up in the organization and earn a better living.
Jobenomics is a great source of sound advice for the government and private businesses to implement in their policies and financial management. 20 million new jobs by 2020 is very possible, as you will see in your copy of the book. All it will take is using the tools and ideas offered in the ebook, right from the top of the economic leaders to startup business owners.
The book Jobenomics: A Plan for America is an educative reader even for those with less knowledge of economics and related topics. Get your hands on this ebook and learn more about how America works, and what it will take to restore hope and employment to her people.