How to reform the current health care system?

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By David Favor

The current health care system in US has many serious problems. The rising cost of health care affects the livelihood of many Americans.  In US, the employers are responsible to provide health care cover to their employees. However, the increasing premiums make it difficult for the employers to spend on health insurance for their employees. As a result, millions of people are left without any health care coverage. A health care system that is administered by profit driven companies would not benefit the common public. Most of the Americans believe that some reforms in the current health care system should happen.

It is advisable to utilize some of the beneficial aspects of successful health care systems existing in other countries in the world. In fact, we can follow the path of our own Medicare program, which proves to be a successful one. Everyone likes the health care plans of Medicare and is satisfied from them. There may be some pitfalls in it, but we can rectify it easily. Medicare is however, the most acceptable program in US. It is therefore wise to imitate Medicare with little changes, so that it can be suitable to the whole population.

Canada and UK are successful in following great medical care policies. Japan, Taiwan and Switzerland also have acceptable programs. We can learn from other countries and can adopt the most beneficial aspects. These countries change their health care system gradually and get the present successful system. As they have vast experience, we can just choose the best components in all the systems and reject those, which are not suitable to us. Nevertheless, it is a time consuming approach. For time being, we can adopt Medicare with slight modifications. We can then gradually add or deduct some of the components that we derive from the successful programs of other countries.

What are the best components of health care systems prevalent in other countries?

  • The successful health care programs do provide remuneration to doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. However, their aim to make substantial profits is kept under control. If we adopt this aspect, we can make our health care system successful.
  • The systems provide a healthy competition at all levels in the form of performance.
  • The successful systems offer continuous negotiations between the authorities, who are liable to make payments and the common public who require them.
  • In some countries, the hospitals and health care facilities are owned by the country, so the citizens are assured equal health care.
  • The prices of hospital stays, doctor fees, lab tests, medicines and other facilities are kept public. There are separate officials to observe whether the prices remain affordable. This can surely help to make necessary health care facilities to all.
  •  Legal defense system is made available to all at affordable rates. This can avoid the problem of spending unnecessarily on defensive medicines and tests.
  • The cost of the health care is kept constant, so it is easy to watch it regularly. This helps to keep the expenses at minimum.

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