Goes Live

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Backpack Forever, LLC announced the Beta soft launch of its travel website,  It is a “soft launch” in that certain features and functionality are still being tested and perfected for optimal member use.  The company anticipates a full-blown launch in the coming weeks.

The website,, is designed to help travelers earn extra income so they can extend their vacations indefinitely.  Members “make money while traveling” by writing stories about their favorite excursions, hotels, restaurants, advice, or any other travel-related topics they choose.  The advertising revenue generated from these articles is shared with the writers via monthly payments to the writer’s PayPal account. 

“We are super-excited that we can finally make this site available to the world!” says Matt Dahse, co-founder of Backpack Forever.  “Frankly, we are tired of putting up fliers for a site that doesn’t really exist.”

“Hopefully, this concept will be embraced by the backpacking community,” says Tran Dang, co-founder and Senior Editor of the site.  “We want Version 2.0 of the site to be shaped entirely by the ideas and contributions of our members.”

Matt and Tran are already making plans for a Version 2.0.  Members are invited to contribute their ideas, preferences, and suggestions at