DUI Offenses

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It’s Saturday night you have got your buzz on. But it’s a good drunk,  not that puke your guts out type of drunk. Life is good your joking with your friends that girl across the bar winks at you. You go over and start talking with her. You don’t even remember what you did but it must have been the secret to happiness because in 4 minutes she’s all over you. Visions of your glorious night began passing through your vision as she pushes against you. You need to take her home. So you take her hand and lead her out of the bar to your car.

You start driving home she starts kissing you. You start kissing her back you have a faint thought that you should be paying attention to the road but such things are secondary to the moment’s passion. You start glancing at the road but nothing happens. Everything is fine no need for any fuss. Then all of a sudden the moment is shattered like when you’re watching an action movie and the person go the reel wrong and all of a sudden you’re watching March of the penguins. There’s nothing but motion pressure and pain anything you touch turns your nerves to pain and you hear something you don’t know what but whatever it is its VERY VERY loud.

Then peace; nothing moves.  You look up.   You have an airbag in your face. You push it down and see that your windshield is broken as is the remains of the front of your car. You look to your right to the passenger seat. She looks dazed but she is alright she’s got some blood on her lip. You stumble out of the car and as you look at the wreckage you realize that the night is going to be quite different then what you expected it to be.

When a story like this happens you need help to get it behind you. Thing is its confusing it’s REALLY confusing. You need help through the maze of laws which have been changing more and more dramatically in the last 100 years. You need a guide to get to the end of this unscathed. Did you know that the act you just did has 6 acronyms alone? DUI OMVI DWI OWI UIL DWUI. These all describe what it is you just did. There are people out there however that have years of experience who can really help you navigate through your dui offenses.