What is a Good Investment?

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Good Investment, bad investment, in most cases the obvious to answer this question is “good investments make a profit.”

In the past, this was the only answer to the question of what is a good investment; however, now there is a call for people to look investments that not only make money but also do good in society.

We’re not talking about donating to charities—they do good but don’t make your money. We’re talking about investing in business with a social bent or a product that changes people’s lives.  For those, you have to look for an entrepreneur with a mission.

Investments in entrepreneurs are high-risk, no doubt. And you have to be able to do the due diligence and ensure that the company and team are strong and that they have a way to protect your investment through patents or other market strength identifiers.  Indeed all of those factors should be considered when making a major investment. Still, you can get your feet wet with a small investment as an experiment before you “go big.” 

Recently crowdfunding has gathered speed and traction because people are finding ways to make small investments in up and coming companies and reaping big rewards. Sometimes there is a monetary exchange for stock, other times it is based on prizes that an investor receives for helping to the company get to market.  The Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act was approved with bipartisan support, which opens up a whole new way for people to make a good investment in a start-up business of any size.

Sometimes our decisions for making a great investment come down to looking at the person we see in the mirror and saying, “Does what I am doing make a positive impact on the world?”  And to understand sometimes the investment we make pays off other ways than just our bank account.

Everyone wants to find the next good investment. They want a magic pill. They want to find the next Microsoft or Google in its infancy and perhaps looking toward new ventures and entrepreneurs will lead you to exactly that goal of finding a good investment at the right time.

Find out more about how you can make a good investment in an entrepreneur, visit http://kck.st/xjnFkU.