Understanding Health 2.0

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We are in the year 2012 isn’t it time we understodd what Health 2.0 means. In the last 20 years we have made a vast progress in our everyday life especially through the use of technology. Technology has definitely come a long way. But has mankind come a long way too? There are so many aspects to our life. We have progressed in the way we gather and process information, our communication system has improved vastly, our lives are more luxurious, yet, we continue to fall sick, be depressed, still cannot cure stage 4 cancer, and we hear about some new disease / parasite developing resistance to our treatments.

Have we wondered why? Are we so busy in our lives that we have forgotten how important our overall well being is? We used to learn that health is wealth. And somehow, our health care costs have been going up because so many people are familiar sick. Are we really progressing?

We have been wondering about these questions and have discovered that we need to change the way we think about health and health care. We want you to come join us on Oct 7, at the Special consumer expo. It is for you and great thinkers like Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini, Health futurist Joe Flower and famed health trainer Jillian Michaels shall be there to talk about their thoughts and ideas on Health 2.0.

We deeply believe that a change is necessary at the core level of our beings. As we are a part of the universe, similarly, the universe is a part of us. When we are not healthy or happy, naturally, the universe is not healthy or happy either. When we change our core selves, we can expect changes in our universe. In fact, we believe that the change has already started occurring.

At this 2 day health expo, we shall be discussing this in full detail. You can expect to be a part of lively and animated discussions on personal Health, health care, personal health, how we eat, how we think, how we interact with the health care professionals, etc. etc. You will be surprised to know that all these aspects effect our health.

Health 2.0 is everywhere now and touching all aspects of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Why not learn more about this new Health 2.0 so that we are able to make more informed decisions going forward. Isn’t that what mankind is good at? Gathering information, processing it and then taking an informed decision.

We shall be happy to have you join us at the 6th annual Health 2.0 fall conference Health Expo Consumer Conference, and find out first hand all about Health 2.0!

We shall be there from 11:00 – 4:00 and it is a 2 day event at the Terra Gallery, Harrison St, SF.