Health 2.0 Fall Conference

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Pack your bags and get ready to attend the 6th Annual Health 2.0 Fall Conference being held in the city of San Francisco. The dates of this year’s fall conference are October 7-10 2012. This year the expo has partnered with At&t, Kaiser Permanente, Robert Wood Foundation, and Physicians Interactive just to name a few to bring you some of the best and most innovative technologies and ideas in the health information market today.

This three day conference will be chock full of the leading services, instruments and ideas that are transforming the world of health technology today. Many of the leading issues in the industry today will be analyzed by leading experts in the field including a keynote presentation from health futurist Joe Flower, Aetna CEO Mark Bartolini and famed personal trainer Jillian Michaels. The conference will delve deeper into the most complex issues facing the industry today such as data analysis, personalized medicine and price transparency. The conference will provide a birds eye view on technology through mini and interactive displays, think tanks and question and answer booths helmed by the experts in the field. In addition to being highly informative, the Health 2.0 expo will be a networkers dream attracting media coverage, hundreds of potential customers, as well as potential partners.

The expo will open with the keynote address on Sunday, October 7th by Joe Flower. He will discuss all the solutions needed for health care professionala and organizations to be able to deliver quality and sound health care for a fraction of the cost. Aetna chief of operations Mark Bartolini will discuss how his company has transformed itself from being a health insurance company to a leader in health technology services. This keynote address will be highly dynamic and will set the tone for the breadth and depth of the days, events and presentations to follow for the duration of the event.

The Patient Think Tank (Patient 2.0) will take place on the first day Sunday October 7th as one of the pre-conference events that is free and open to the public. Registration for this event is not required if one does not intend to attend any of the events taking place during the conference. This think tank will address the ever increasing transparency and influence that patients have as a key driving force in the direction and transformation of health care delivery and services. Epatient will judge and rate new technology from the perspective of the patient. The goal of this think tank is to engage the patient perspective and include it in the design and development of health innovations. This free event is not one to be missed.

The conference is taking place at the Hilton Union Square and there are several other quality hotels located within walking distance from the venue. See the website for rates and pricing information.