Rick Porter Launches Boot Camp Marketing Video Website

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Rick Porter an internet marketing and SEO expert has recently been launching new websites with various themes and designs to test user metrics and how those influence rankings.  The Google Panda updates have wreaked havoc search engine rankings for many on the web but websites that have survived have many commonalities such as user engagement and specific on page elements. 

The most recent website launched by Porter will be a series of Youtube style themes with one in particular being about fitness boot camp marketing and will syndicate videos by Bedros Keuilian from Ptpower.com and Porter has received permission to use all videos by PTpower.com for syndication on the new boot camp marketing video website. 

Bedros Keuilian is a fitness boot camp marketing expert with knowledge of all levels of fitness boot camp and personal trainer marketing.

The website being used in the test is an EMD or “exact match domain” which were recently hit 2 weeks ago in the latest Google updates.  Part of the test will be to closely watch the user metrics once sending traffic to the site to track time spent on site and page views versus other websites with different WordPress themes.  The theme being used is supposed to mimic Youtubes highly user friendly interface.

The website is currently being developed but can be viewed here at http://bootcampmarketing.org/ where it has been setup with the default settings. 

The theme being used in this SEO test is known as Covert Video Press and can be purchased with an individual or developers license.  Results of Porter’s test will not be available until 1st quarter of 2013.

About Rick Porter

Rick Porter is an internet marketer and SEO consultant focusing within the online reputation management industry.